99% Recycled Fresnel Lamp

Thanks for taking the time to read through my first Instructable!
Ive made this funky Lamp from almost all reclaimed, reused or recycled materials, the only arguable part is the epoxy resin i poured over the main body of the lamp. I mixed up a bit extra so instead of wasting the expensive resin i decided to give a Lichtenberg figure a bath.
The base of the lamp is a cast iron base from a retro AC fan i found from a landfill, i added a slight bit of chrome paint to it aswell.
LIchtenberg Figures are made from a high voltage woodburning technique and are extremley dangerous to create! also 100% not neccesary for this build, throw in any old picture and save yourself the shock! unless you know what you are doing, of course
The funky visual illusion your looking at is a Fresnel lens sheet i took from a broken computer monitor, most monitors have a few diffuser sheets and prism sheets sandwiched between a thick acrylic sheet and a glass sheet of whatever holds the liquid crystals in an LCD monitor
The LED light bar cames from inside a broken fridge,i got two very bright 12vdc lights from one fridge. the other is lighting up my camper that im currently living in (burr)
theres a little rubber cap holding the lens to the lichtenberg figured piece of wood, taken from a nokia camera lens
bit of hot glue and 5 minute epoxy holding it all together.
Collect and Combine

there really isnt all that much to say about this lamp, ive spent lots of time staring at it even when its off because light naturally wants to make it look trippy
I have this powered by my 12vdc millwaukee drill battery but with little effort it could be converted to run off a 12v power supply no problems!
i added a slight wrinkle to the lens when i glued it together, surprisingly it made a wicked spiral effect where you can see the LEDs that are hidden behind the base and wood panel. im still staring after 3 months of having it haha
The more dramatic the wrinkle, the more intense the light distortion, maybe throw in some origami for your next visually appealing lamp