6V Halogen Bulb Source
Anyone who has an older vehicle that is limited by it's 6v electrical system can now use more modern halogen lights by switching the bulbs. Where do you find them? In thrift stores, you just have to look.
Gather Materials
Here's the secret, a lot of spotlights that are burnt out still have good bulbs and sometimes batteries. Most die an early death because they are over, or improperly charged.
I managed to find this one for $3 with a nice burn mark on the handle, right by the plug.
I managed to find this one for $3 with a nice burn mark on the handle, right by the plug.
Apply Proper Tools
In this case, it's just unscrewing the case, popping a clip off and not hurting yourself.
Pop It Open
Lookie what's inside, a 6v4.5 AH battery, 6v 25W H3 bulb, the switch by the trigger and a nice mirror.
Toss the Junk
The glass that was used for the lens was pretty nasty, so I tossed it, the case, and the burnt resistor.
Install Bulb Into a New Fixture
The 6V 25W H3 bulb will mount in any fog or driving light that takes the standard H3 bulb and some that take a H1.