6 Easy Steps to Make a Mini Pen
by pclover in Living > Office Supply Hacks
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6 Easy Steps to Make a Mini Pen
A mini pen for on the go fits snugly in mini moleskins! If you want to download this instructable please click this link http://6889de20.realfiles.net
Pen, Ruler, Scissors, Sharpie, Tape. Optional: Pliers
Take the Pen Apart
Take the pen cap off. You may use pliers to take out ink cartridge.
Measure and Cut the Case
Measure the pen case to 2 1/4 inches. Then mark with sharpie. Cut the mark with sicssors. cutting may take a while.
Cut and Tape the Pen
First cut the ink cartridge to the correct size and tape the end to prevent ink spills
Get the Cartridge in the Pen Case
put the cartridge into case. then tap it in.
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