Simple ATtiny85 500Watt Sinewave Inverter

by Poldo in Circuits > Arduino

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Simple ATtiny85 500Watt Sinewave Inverter

Main Unit.png

I recently decided to replace my home "modified sinewave inverter" with a "pure sinewave" type. In this project I will demonstrate how to build a simple sinewave inverter taking a 12VDC input and inverting the voltage to 230VAC at 60Hz. The output voltage will be regulated to +/-1% under all load conditions.

You can download all the pertinent files from my google drive at:


12VDC to 380VDC PCB

*******M1 - High Voltage Power supply Module - QS-100 - DC-AC Converter DC12V to 220V 380V 18V AC 500W Inverter module. Use this to harvest all the necessary parts***********

Below are links to obtain the 12VDC To 380VAC Converter Module;




C1,C14              0.01uF,Capacitor,50V

C2,C3               47uF,Electrolytic Capacitor,450V

C4,C5               2200uF,Electrolytic Capacitor, 16V

C6                100uF,Electrolytic Cap,50V

C7,C8,C9,C10,C11         0.1uF,Capacitor,50V

C12                10uF,Electrolytic Cap,16V

C13                1uF,Capacitor

R1,R6,R7,R8,R9,R12        10k,Resistor

R2,R5               5Ω,Resistor

R3                330k,Resistor,1W

R4                4.7Ω,Resistor

R10                100Ω, Resistor

R11                3.3k,Resistor

F1                40A,Fuse

L1                24uH,Inductor,13T #13AWG wound on a SM270125A Core

D1,D2,D3,D4            HS3M,Silicon Diode,1000V,3A

D5                HS3K,Silicon Diode,800V,3A

J1                Jumper,2 Pin Header

Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4            HY1906,N-CH 60V MOSFET,120A,Rdss ON = 6mΩ

T1                500W Transformer,ETD44,PRI-12V CT, SEC-0,220V,380V

TB1                PCB to Wire Connector,2 pin

U1                78M12,Regulator,12V,SOT-223

U2                78M05,Regulator,5V,SOT-223

U3                LM3525,Pulse Width Modulator,16 Pin DIP

DC to AC Inverter PCB

R1,R2,R3,R4          47Ω

R5,R6             10k

R7              220k 1W

R8              6.8k

C1,C5,C10,C14       0.1uF,Ceramic, Capacitor 50V

C2,C6             10uF,Electrolytic Cap,16V

C3,C9             103,Capacitor,1kV

C4,C7             1uF,Capacitor,Ceramic,50VDC

C8              1uF,Capacitor,Film,630VAC

D1,D2             MUR160,Silicon Diode,600V

D3              1N4148,Silicon Diode

L1              2mH,Inductor, 5A

Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4          MDF11N60,PWR N-CH MOSFET,600V,Rdss ON=500mΩ

U1,U2             IRS2104,Half Bridge Driver

U3              ATtiny85,Microprocessor

U4              CNY-17F,Opto Coupler

J1              2 Pin,PCB to Wire Connector

Simplified Schematic Diagram

ATtiny 500W Inverter Simplified Schematic

In this video the generic function of each element making up the inverter is explained.

Power Supply Schematic

Power Supply Schematic.png

The power supply schematic utilizes the High Voltage Power supply Module - QS-100 - DC-AC Converter along with additional components to provide +380VDC, 12VDC and 5VDC to the ATtiny85 Inverter PCB. There is an optional input filter that helps prevent conducted emissions created by the inverter from getting on the 12VDC input.

Inverter Schematic

ATtiny85  Inveter PCB Schematic.png

The inverter utilizes the IRS2104 forming the half bridge Mosfet driver for both the high frequency and low frequency sides. A CNY-17F opto-isolator is used to provide voltage feedback to the ATTiny85 and operates in the linear mode. L1 2.0mH was purchased on AliExpress.

PCB Layout

Inverter PCB.png
Power Supply PCB.png

I seperated the power supply and Inverter PCB's. This gave me more flexabilty in finalizing the design especially if I needed to make changes. The Inverter PCB has a daughter board containing the CNY-17F opto-coupler circuit. It also has a universal layout for output capacitor C8. I finally settled on a 1uF.

Code Review

ATtiny 500W Code Review

Please watch this short video to learn how the code was implemented.

For this project the ATtiny85 needs to run at an internal clock speed of 16MHz. Since the default factory setting is 1MHz before loading the program you will need to set the Arduino to Internal 16MHz and "Burn Bootloader" when complete go ahead and upload the code normally.

For those of you who are not familiar with how to program an ATtiny you can acomplish it with either an Arduino Uno or an Arduino Nano. There is an Instructable on the topic which I havn't tried but looks to be good. The one I used was the "How to Program an ATtiny with Arduino Nano- YouTube" by Tanner Tech.

How to Program an ATtiny with Arduino Nano - YouTube

How to Program an Attiny85 From an Arduino Uno : 7 Steps

Inverter Demo

ATtiny 500W Demo

Please watch this short video to see the inverter in action.