5-minute Pizza

by JuliaForever in Cooking > Pizza

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5-minute Pizza

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I find this a fast and easy way to make and enjoy a pizza without using the oven. All you'll need is pizza sause, cheese, tortillas, and any extra toppings you may want.

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Next you'll need to put your tortilla on the stove on medium so you can heat it up.

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While the tortilla is heating up you'll want to put your sause in a a bowl and microwave it for 30 sec.

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Next add the the sause onto the tortilla and then add the cheese and any optional toppings.

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Let the pizza heat on the stove until the cheese is melted. When it is you can take your pizza off the stove and cut it. There you go you have a delicious pizza that only took 5 minutes. Leave a comment if you want to see more easy and quick recipes. Enjoy!