5 Google Cardboard VR Hacks

by PerfectPixel in Circuits > Wearables

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5 Google Cardboard VR Hacks

google cardboard hacks title.jpg

Google Cardboard VR is the entry level VR headset that works with your smartphone. I got the chance to purchase one of these a while ago and when I first got it my first impressions was that

it was good, but it could be better.

The great thing about it though is that it is made of cardboard - it is like it is asking to be modified into something more awesome. So in this instructable I will give you some ideas and tips on how you can improve the google cardboard experience cheaply and easily.

You can learn more about google cardboard and where to buy one here

Please consider voting for this instructable in the contest's - it really helps out!

(note, the SD card corrupted during the build so there are no photo's of the process, sorry!)

Supplies & Overview

Here is an overview of the modifications I will be making, and what things you will need to complete them.

  1. Head Strap - Rubber/Elastic band - large enough to go around the head
  2. Foam Corners - Light Foam (not bubble wrap), cloth possibly
  3. Headband Extender/Light Remover - Just some flat pieces of cardboard
  4. Phone Case Holder - Spare/old phone case
  5. Color Makeover - Acrylic Paint, Paint brushes etc

Other things you will need

  • Hot glue + gun (of course)
  • Scissors

Note, these hacks are NOT in order.

Head Strap


With each of these modifications, I will be giving you the problem, then the solution, then further improvements that could be made.

So the problem here was that holding your phone in a cardboard box to your face for any length of time is a real hassle.

So to combat this issue it is really simple. You can either:

a) Buy one with a head strap or

b) Make one with some elastic or in my case - a bit of stretchy plastic

Then you just need to get it to an appropriate length to go around your head.

Foam Padding


This is an obvious one - adding foam padding around the nose area as well as the ring that goes around the forehead. This can be achieved using some foam, cloth and a bit of hot glue. You will want to have a small amount of padding but don't overdo it! If you overdo it your head won't sit as close to the lenses and the effect could lose it's magic.

Light Remover


You aren't always in a dark room are you? So to make the experience better and to get rid of light coming through the edges of the headset, I added some cardboard strips with ear and head strap cutouts. These reduce the light coming through the headset greatly.

Phone Mount


This fixes one of the major problems I had with the headset. It was that every time I opened it to change apps/videos/do something it would make the phone move. This may not be a problem on bigger phones, but on my iPhone 5 it becomes really annoying.

So I got one of my old phone cases and hot glued it into position so that I can just slip my phone in there and be done with it.

Blackout/Color Makeover


This part will require painting (duh)

I painted 90% of the headset black to block out as much light as possible. But also for fun I also painted the front panel pixel green (like my avatar).

When painting it, make sure to remove the lenses and the magnetic button (both pieces).

Painting over velcro doesn't go well either, so try to avoid velcro at all costs.