4 Paper Superhero Keychains

by Randomona in Craft > Paper

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4 Paper Superhero Keychains

thumnail 2.png
green lantern.jpg

Crafty nerds assemble!

If you are a superhero fan like me, I have a cheap craft for you. Express your nerdiness with some paper keychains!


  • thick cardboard
  • thin cardboard
  • scissors
  • glue
  • acrylic paint
  • paintbrush
  • map tack
  • keychain or string
  • pencil, ruler, round objects
  • optional: file / sandpaper

Paper Tips

thick cardboard.png
layer tear.png
Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-18 um 13.24.21.png
  • What kind of cardboard am I using?

Thick cardboard: can be found at the back of notepads, big calendars or in packaging

Thinner cardboard: from cereal boxes or similar packaging

  • If you can't find thicker cardboard, you can glue multiple pieces of thinner cardboard together.
  • If you have a file or sandpaper, you can file down the edges of your keychains before you paint them.
  • If your cardboard has a print or a glossy layer - try tearing it off! It will give it more texture so that glue and paint will stick much better.
  • Green Lantern - and the Basics

    sketch lantern.png
    cut lantern.png
    all parts lan.png
    map attack.png

    I used round shaped objects and a ruler to draw the Green Lantern symbol. Then I cut it out with nail scissors (nail scissors are just the best!).

    Additionally I cut out two more circles for the background.

    To glue all the pieces together you can use a glue stick or a thin layer of liquid glue.

    Before painting all of the keychains I poked a hole with a map tack.

    Painting (Method 1)

    bblack paint.png
    covered black.png
    paint green.png
    painted lan.png

    You can either glue the pieces together first and then paint, or paint and then glue.

    With most of the keychains I went for a more distressed look. I glued first and gave everything a black basecoat with acrylic paint. Then I dry brushed more colors on.


    bat done.png

    For the Batman symbol I freehanded 3 elliptical shapes that fit into each other.

    Then I turned the smallest one into a bat. You can simplify the bat as much as you want to make cutting easier - the Batman symbol has so many variations anyways ;)

    Painting (Method 2)

    paint bat.png
    paint yellow.png
    batman pieces.png
    batman done .png

    This time I painted the pieces separately first and then glued them together. That way you get a neater look.

    Wonder Woman

    sketch wonderwoman.png
    cut ww.png
    Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-18 um 13.22.46.png
    done ww.png

    For the Wonder Woman symbol, I drew 4 parallel lines and sketched out the rest looking at references.

    Cut that out and glue it to your base - I made mine rectangular. The rectangle felt less sturdy than the circles from the other symbols, so I added more cardboard layers to make the piece stronger.

    Here again I started off with black acrylic paint and dry brushed some gold and red on afterwards - being careful to keep the black gaps in the logo visible.


    deadpool sketch.png
    deadp painted.png

    The Deadpool symbol is probably the easiest one!

    The base is a circle cut out of thick cardboard.

    Then I cut out a smaller circle from thinner cardboard and cut two lines in the middle. Lastly you need to cut out the eyes.

    Again I gave everything a black base coat and dry brushed red and white on afterwards.

    Lastly all you have to do is to attach the pendants to a keychain!

    Of course you can do whatever symbols you want using this technique - I hope this gave you some inspiration :)