4 Easy Remedies to Make Your Life Better !
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4 Easy Remedies to Make Your Life Better !
Reducing Fat :-
Obesity is a very common factor... And we see much of it in our daily lives !
Fat belly is a major health problem nowadays, the major reason is unscientific food habits. You can remove fat and flatten your belly using different remedies..
Remedies are intentionally time tested
You will be give these remedies !! I havent given the intro to other remedies as i didnt really think that you needed them as its obvious in the Title !
First Remedy:-
Removing Obesity
2nd Remedy:-
Purifying Blood
3rd Remedy:-
Improving skin Color
4rth Remedy:-
Regrowth of Hair
Removing Obesity..(Making and Materials)

Things Needed:-
Lemons(2)or more
Garlic Cloves(1 garlic)
Luke Warm Water
Making The Solution:-
In the warm water, pour the juice of lemons...and stir
Bite the cloves and drink the solution !
You can also mix the solution with the juice of the garlics..
Drink till this solution kills all the intoxins and you get a flat belly !!
Control Your Diet As Well...
Eat small amounts of Rice...
Purifying Blood

Purifying Blood..
Blood cells can turn bad as well.. Due to faliure of reproduction of cells thus causing faliures
Stuff needed:-
Sugar-to taste
Making the Solution:-
Grind Ginger and beetroot together with some water
Add them to the cup of water
Add the sugar and stir real well..!
Drink it and see the result in 1 month or sometime in weeks !
Improving Skin

An easy Remedy !
Milk or Yogurt any can be used to purify your skin !
(I havent tried it yet, Im still black :P)
But ive received feedback that i worked so..Please try it
Just take a cotton ball and dip it in raw milk or yogurt and spread it over your face till your face is completely covered with milk or yogurt...And just let it rest there overnight and in the morning wash it with warm water.
They both contain lactic acid which is used to clean skin !!
Regrowing Your Hair
Hair can cause real problems...
It is needed for better appearance XD...
Things Needed !
Garlic Cloves
Olive oil
Green Tea
Grind Everything in a Grinder and Mix it in a mixer !!
An apply it in your hair
You dont need to apply this every day..