3d Print Custom Covers for Pendrive

by Amit_Jain in Workshop > 3D Printing

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3d Print Custom Covers for Pendrive


Hi All,

Today I will share, how to customize your USB flash drive or Pendrive with super cool cases

What Do We Need?


  • Chip version - Pen drive
  • Tinkercad
  • 3D printer
  • Imagination

Base Shape

  • To make a custom case,
    • we need a simple image like batman logo or ghost etc
    • or a STL file like among us or lego
  • If you have decided to use simple Image
    • Download a black and white image from google (best results with black and white)
    • Using any jpg to SVG convertor, convert into svg (eg: https://www.pngtosvg.com/)
  • Alternatively, you can download STL model from Thingiverse or cult3d or many other sites


Screenshot 2021-06-17 150756.png
Screenshot 2021-06-17 151734.png
  • Tinkercad is a simple online 3D modelling tool
    • Import your model or Image in it. I will use an image
    • Import the attached SVG into Tinkercad
    • Adjust the dimensions to 25x 40 x 5 mm
    • Add two holes for eyes
    • Based on the USB drive dimensions make another hole
    • I am showing the placement of this hole by making the ghost also a hole (works like x-ray)
    • Now create a duplicate and invert by 180 degrees
    • Using holes cut the two models into upper body and lower body
  • We have our 3d model ready to print



  • Download the STL file from here
    • Resolution : 0.2mm
    • Support: Tree (Cura)
    • Raft: No
    • Print time: less than 1 hr
    • Once printed, superglue the USB drive an we are done

Batman Logo Pendrive

  • Follow the same steps as the Ghost image to make the batman logo Pendrive case
  • Download the STL file from here
    • Resolution : 0.2mm
    • Support: Tree (Cura)
    • Raft: No
    • Print time: less than 1 hr
    • Once printed, superglue the USB drive and we are done

AmongUs Pendrive Case

  • An existing 3d model was imported in tinkercad
  • Shrink it to the dimensions and then create a hole based on the USB dimension
  • Duplicate and cut into half
  • Download the STL file from here
    • Resolution : 0.2mm
    • Support: Tree (Cura)
    • Raft: NoPrint time: less than 1 hr
    • Once printed, superglue the USB drive and we are done

I hope you enjoyed reading, Do share if you print these or create your own design