The 3Dponics Drip System is a system of growing plants using techniques that replace the soil is also called soilless agriculture; these techniques are called Hydroponics, besides the implementation of parts produced in 3D printers and recyclable materials, among others.
The list below names the tools that were implemented in developing 3Dponics, which are:
- 3D-printed silencer
- Rubber tubing (about 10 ft)
- Four empty plastic bottles (2 L recommended)
- 20 zip ties (approx.)
- Four 3D-printed drip nozzles
- Water reservoir (8 L capacity)
- 3D-printed conduit
- Air pump
- Growth medium
Basic parts you need to build our 4-bottle vertical hydroponics system:
4 drip nozzles
1 silencer
1 conduit
You can find these all these in thingverse or another page to download 3D models.
Print the digital files you downloaded in Step 1.
Cut the bottoms off the plastic bottles. Punch four holes along the edges of each bottle, making sure that they’re lined up nicely with each other.
Screw the drip nozzles onto the plastic bottles like you would a bottle cap. Flip the bottles over so that the nozzles are pointing down.
Fill each bottle halfway with the pre-soaked growth medium, carefully add the plants, and cover with more growth medium.
Fill your reservoir with water. Place it on the floor, underneath the bottles. Turn on the air pump and carefully submerge the conduit, rubber tubing, and bamboo sticks into the reservoir.
Developing Automation System
![Sensor de Humedad con ARDUINO](/proxy/?url=https://content.instructables.com/FC0/OZMM/IQ2MJV99/FC0OZMMIQ2MJV99.jpg&filename=Sensor de Humedad con ARDUINO)
![El Relevador o Relay, Que es? Como Funciona? Para que sirven? | LA ELECTRONICA "BASICA"](/proxy/?url=https://content.instructables.com/FAM/EW5I/IQ2MJVBF/FAMEW5IIQ2MJVBF.jpg&filename=El Relevador o Relay, Que es? Como Funciona? Para que sirven? | LA ELECTRONICA "BASICA")
![Puente de diodos simbolo.png](/proxy/?url=https://content.instructables.com/FCB/C7RQ/IQ2MJZFP/FCBC7RQIQ2MJZFP.png&filename=Puente de diodos simbolo.png)
![Puente de diodos.png](/proxy/?url=https://content.instructables.com/FNY/63BD/IQ2MJZFS/FNY63BDIQ2MJZFS.png&filename=Puente de diodos.png)
The automation system consists of automation of irrigation in an order determined by a logic developed by a program time.
various electronic components, among which are used:
2 arduino nano or one.
1 relay activation of 5 volts.
1 NPN transistor. (BC547C)
3 ohm resistors 10k.
1 1k ohm resistor.
1 220 ohm resistor.
1 strip pin female and male pins.
2 terminals block. 1 LCD 16x2.
1 pushbotton.
1 Potentiometer 10k ohmfu
Analog temperature sensor 1 (lm35z).
1 photoresist (LDR) to a low value, 1k ohm.
A vast amount of wire two different colors to distinguish polarities when connecting any instrument.
To feed the power supply circuit in which the voltage received flinging outlet, in which it is used will be required:
1 transformer 120v to 12v.
1 diode bridge.
1 micro farad capacitor 1000.
1 100 micro farad capacitor.
1 7805 voltage regulator, which reduces the voltage obtained in 5v.
warning: You must have to have basic knowledge about the use of electronic components.
In this way you get to make the circuit with which the voltage flow is redirected.
Similarly, the monitor circuit information of the above named sensors.
Together with the power supply.
Software: Arduino
downoad software https://www.arduino.cc/
The case is optional, you can design the form of the case that you want.