3D Printed Textile

by anika_arora in Workshop > 3D Printing

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3D Printed Textile


I started with Takahashi and Kim's work on 3D weaving programmable textiles. When I first opened the file, I felt super confused because there were so many parameters and functions interweaving with each other. However, I slowly started to dig deeper into the functions and input parameters and messed around with them to create my own textile.


Working With the Grasshopper Code


When trying to make my own textile, I saw many different input parameters on the left side of the grasshopper so I began looking through those. I started by looking at the base parameters and edited the width and height of the base to make the design taller rather than wider. Then I looked at the pillar parameters and added more pillars as well as changed the height of the pillars. I also changed the diameter of the pillars as well as the outer pillar widths. This was all helping my design become more dense and intricate. From the Hair GCode parameters, I changed the line width and layer height, which also helped make my pattern more dense. Looking at each of the functions helped me figure out what each input parameter does with respect to the design.



This is how my design looked after editing all the parameters. I was able to export the file but was not able to print due to a conflict with lab times. One confusion I had about my design was that since there's a gap in the weaving at the bottom right above the base and the weaving goes past the top of the two side pillars, would that affect the print in any way? If so, how would I fix that. I tried seeing if there was a way to make the weaving start lower on the pillars but was not able to find anything.