3D Printed Neon Glasses

by heamou8801 in Workshop > 3D Printing

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3D Printed Neon Glasses


if you're really fond of parties(and movies with party scenes in it), you've probably seen these colorful glasses that sometimes light up. so, i'm going to try to make my own one.


you will need:

a 3D print file

a 3D printer(obviously)

some make-your-own neon sign kits


Get the Files and Ready the Print

화면 캡처 2021-10-19 204119.png

first, you're going to need some files. just use the one beneath. examine the size of your head, and size up/down the glasses just your fit. any printer would do as long it's not very bad(i used sindoh DP103).

(if the original is too thin, use the strengthened version.)

Print Out & Assemble


when you're finished printing, assemble the parts as shown in the picture. it has only 4 parts, so i think you won't need any instructions.

p.s. don't use glue on the legs. just use it on the "L" shaped block

Add Lights


i went to a science festival i few years ago, and i managed to salvage a handy kit to build a neon sign from my sister. so, i removed the battery and lights from the kit, and installed the whole thing on the glasses. make sure to bend the tube extra carefully when you're working on the eye part, so you can see through it, but not too clear. the battery pack goes on the L block.



done! looks really dope! unfortunately, the battery pack was too heavy so it kept tilting to the right side. so maybe next time, i'll fix this project to maintain balance. thanks for reading and if you're interested, please check out my other projects!