3D Printed Lampshade

In this project, I used Rhino and Grasshopper to parametrically design a lampshade which was then fabricated with a 3D printer.
Software: Rhino, Grasshopper, UltiMaker Cura. Hardware: Prusa Mk3/Bambu 3D printer, PLA filament.
Cylinder Setup

I first created a mesh of points forming a cylinder. The only parameters at this stage were the radius, height, and number of segments vertically and radially. I decided I would take this approach to then offset the radius and height of these points from their starting position as I knew I wanted my design to have an overall cylindrical shape.
Parametric Design

I then wrote a script in Python to take additional parameters and turn them into a design, offsetting the points in a geometric pattern. The pattern has two main elements, the two-dimensional sine function which creates the spiral pattern and a single-period sine vertical offset which bunched up the points in the middle. Once the design was finalized, it was exported as an STL.

Next I used the UltiMaker Cura program to prepare the file for 3D printing. Using a vase mode to only trace the outside edge in a single spiraling line, the print had an estimated time approximately four and a half hours with around 1300 layers.

The file was first printed on a Prusa Mk3 3D printer. However, this process failed about halfway through due to an extruder issue. The file was then printed on a Bambu printer, which completed the print without any problems.

Because my lamp was taller than the build volume, I used small pieces of cardboard to boost my lampshade's height to where the center of the shade is around the bulb. It glows very nicely, highlighting the spiral pattern.