3D Printed LED Wall Sign
In this instructable, I will teach you guys how I created a 3D printed LED Sign! If you have a 3D printer, then the supplies will not cost more than $20.
Main supplies include
WS2812b LED lights
Push Button
1 Amp Switch
3D Printer
The rest of the minor materials can also be found on my website.
Create 3D Printed Design
The program I used to make this was tinkercad.
A good note to remember is to use either screws or magnets to hold your project down. When designing the lid and base, remember to account for these objects. The goal is to make sure no wires show to leave a clean and professional look. I created a compartment for 3 AA batteries in series to boost the voltage from 1.5v to 4.5v to run the LEDs and ATTiny85.
In the lid, I carved out a spot for the button as well as the on and off switch.
When it comes to soldering, the wires must be pretty tight with little slack. The wires need to be hidden without falling out of the project. Use a metal spring which connects to the back of the battery and solder the ground to the push button, LEDs, and ATTiny85(pin 4) shell.
Next, hot glue a metal plate to the front of the battery. From there, solder a wire to the first pin of the LED switch. Then, connect the positive of the LED strip and the ATTiny85(pin 8) shell to the middle pin on the switch. When the switch is flipped, the project will turn on.
Finally, solder the push button wire to pin 5 on the shell. When the button is pressed, the ground loop will be connected which increments the variable "test".
It is useful to use an ATTiny85 shell to solder to. This way you can take out the microcontroller and update any code without having to resolder.
For an easier wiring diagram, visit my website neehaw.com!
Download Code and Upload
Download the Arduino code and upload it to the ATTiny85. I used an Arduino Nano to upload the code. There are tutorials to follow to burn the bootloader for the ATTiny85 here.
Thank you for your time and I hope you learned something! Feel free to check out my website and youtube channel for more DIY projects!