3D Printable Bumble Bee Nest

by b_odette in Outside > Backyard

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3D Printable Bumble Bee Nest

bumble bee.jpg

The main goals of this intructable project is to create something sustainable, create something that is benefiting the planet and to develop something that can be used in all areas of life. That is where the idea to have a 3D printable bumble bee nest came.

A bumble bee nest is exactly what it sounds like. It is a place for the queen bee to be kept safe and develop a home. Within this nest the queen bee will lay eggs and start to develop a colony of bees. That is why it is important to be able to create these nests. As with continued urbanization, there is less and less natural ways for bees to create their own nests.

Bumble bees are facing a worldwide decline in population numbers. This decline in populations will have a knock on effect on many other areas of life. From agriculture and farming to biodiversity and habitats. That is why it was important for me to develop something that could possibly help stop any further decline.

I have designed three different sized bumble bee nests. One for a small household, big household and farmland. All have stl files that you will be able to download and print the nest from. I have created different sizes depending on the different situation you may find yourself in. As well, the capability of your 3D printer.

This project is also about being sustainable. I will add some links to some websites where you can buy 3D printer filament that has been recycled. Therefore, helping to keep this instructable as green and as environmentally friendly as possible.

I hope that you will find this instructubale useful and that you can maybe help me in the fight against declining bumble bee populations.

Supplies and Materials

3d printer.jpg

There are some supplies that are needed for this instructuable:

1. PLA 3d printer filament.

2. 3D printer.

3. Some hay/dried grass to place inside the bee nest.

4. Outdoor space to keep bee nest.

Links to recyclable 3D printer filament:




Bumble Bee Nest Small Household

bee nest small.png
Bumble bee nest small household.png

This size bumble bee nest is designed for small households. Where the garden space is not particularly big, but there is room to host bees.


1. Find an area in your garden that is sheltered with shrubbery and off from the main parts where people walk.

2. Clear a small part of the area on the ground so that the bee nest can be placed.

3. Download the stl file and print the part.

(Any pla color will do, but a more neutral tone would be preferable).

4. Once printed, place the bumble bee best in the desired location.

5. Make sure there is some hay or dried grass inside the nest to help create a more natural place for the bees to reside in.

6. Sit back and relax whilst waiting for the bees to come to their new nest.

Bumble Bee Nest Big Household

bee nest big.png
Bumble bee nest big household.png

This step is designated for bigger households, where they have access to a bigger garden. Here you can either print the bigger bee nest to have more bees in one place. Or you could print two of the smaller nests and have bee nests in two locations within your garden.


1. Similarly to the small household, you will want to find a location within your garden that is sheltered and away from normal traffic of humans.

2. Once this place has been found, try and clear the ground to make a good place for the bee nest to be placed.

3. Download and print the stl file for the bumble bee nest.

(Any pla color will do, but a more neutral tone would be preferable).

4. Once printed, take the bee nest to the location. Making sure that you are putting some grass/hay inside the nest to make it more natural for the bees.

5. Sit back and wait for the bees to come find their new nest.

Bumble Bee Nest Farmland

bee nest farmland.png
Bumble bee nest farmland.png

This is the largest bee nest that I designed for farmland, but could also be used in big communal gardens or parks. The main reason that I want this to be primarily for farmlands is to help increase biodiversity. As farmlands are known for lack of biodiversity due to only growing one plant. The bees can help pollinate these plants and maybe others that can help overall farmland wellness.


1. Locate an area of the farmland that is slightly sheltered and that will not be disturbed by humans or machines.

2. Once this area has been located, make sure to create a good, cleared level surface on the floor to allow the bee nest to rest.

3. Download and print the stl file. This will require a slightly bigger/more industrial type printer as the part is bigger than the others.

(Any pla color will do, but a more neutral tone would be preferable).

(As well, like mentioned with the big household nest. You can print either this size or smaller and have nests in multiple locations throughout the farmland.)

4. Place the bumble bee nest in the desired location.

5. When placing the nest down, make sure to put some hay/grass inside the nest to make it more desirable for the bees to live in.

6. Now wait for the bees to come find their new nest.

Questions and Answers

Q. What happens if bees do not come immediately?

A. You can make the bee nest more appealing to them. This can be done by adding some citrus scents, adding some drops of lemongrass and spearmint and make sure the nest is in a sheltered place.

Q. What happens if I cannot find an even surface to place bee nest?

A. Attached is an stl file for a small block that can help balance and level out nest.

Q. What happens if my it is not printing correctly?

A. Adjust speed so that it slows down and completes the round edges better. As well, get an adhesive so the PLA sticks to print bed better. This will help reduce poor prints.

Q. How much grass/hay shall I put in?

A. Enough that there is almost a small "bed", but not so much that it blocks entry hole.

Q. How far should my bee nest be away from my home?

A. It should be in a place that humans or other animals, such as dogs, do not go to often. This will help keep the bees and bee nest safe.

Q. Bee nest keeps falling over in windy conditions?

A. Add some small stones/weight to the bottom ring of the nest to keep it in position.
