3D Modeled Car: Impact RS

by NanoGoldman in Workshop > 3D Printing

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3D Modeled Car: Impact RS


Hi! I have always been fascinated by cars and wanted to be able to design my own. Below are the steps I went through to design my first car using Fusion 360's Form contextual Environment, which was a first for me.


Computer with Autodesk Fusion 360

Entering the Form Environment

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First, you will need to create and save a new file. After you have your file saved, you can enter the Form environment by navigating to "Create" then to "Create Form." You will then be placed in the Form work environment.

Starting the Car

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To start making a car, you will need to place a plane on the XZ axis. You can then size the plane to anything you desire, but I suggest having one side length clearly longer than the other. Use the two sided arrow sliders to add subsections to the plane. You will also want symmetry to be turned on so that what you do on one side of the car is mirrored on the other. Now you are ready fo

Beginning the Form of the Car

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To begin actually making the form and shape of your car, you are going to want to hold command and select subsections that are just over half of the car. After that, right click and select "Edit Form." Then hold the option key on Mac, and drag the up arrow up to stretch the plane.

Continuing the Form of the Car

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After the initial stretch, to get the rest of the car's form you will continue using the "Edit Form" feature to stretch the plane until you have the form of a car. To make tires, you will use the Create => Cylinder tool and then create the form of the tires using the "Edit Form" feature.

Creating Renderings of the Car

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Once you are satisfied with the body and shape of your car, you can create renderings of it in Fusion 360's rendering workspace. You can get there by going to the top left corner where it says "DESIGN and select "RENDER." If errors occur when moving to the rendering workspace, it is most likely due to faces touching themselves, in which case you will just need to move them apart so that they are not touching. Once in the rendering workspace you can place the car in an environment and add materials to the faces to get the car to look how you wanted it to.