3D Base Lantern

by NCKSDLCSNDK in Craft > Art

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3D Base Lantern


This should be a simple basic run through of the building of a lantern. It's nothing complicated, with basic materials you'll have the very same lantern Rapunzel used to fly in the sky for her eighteenth birthday.


  • 3D Printer
  • Fusion 360 software
  • Tinkercad
  • Cotton balls
  • Alcohol
  • Paper
  • Lighter



So obviously you need to know the objects that need to get printed. For this lantern to be able to even leave the surface of the earth it has to be light enough, but also strong enough to hold everything together. The base of this lantern was 3D printed as a circle. With the measurements of 14cm for the outer circle and 2cm for the inner circle. The bar was made thicker to keep everything intact. Then everything else is up to the printer.

3D Print

I used the 3D printer at my school.



With tape and paper I attached the the 3D printed pieces all together. I placed the cotton balls in the center soaked in alcohol to produce the fire that'll help lift up the lantern.

Fly It in the Sky

Do a couple test runs to see how long the cotton ball will stay lit up, to see how long your lantern will stay in the air as well. But besides that you should be good to go to fly your very own lantern in the sky.