369 - Parity - Yin and Yang

Some old friends that still know me might be surprised to see me back.
So first I let you and all my fans know: I was not really gone...
I had other projects and the new design here did not really satisfy me enough to waste time with it.
So for all my friends and followers I will try to create an interactive "Ebook" about the lost math we all had in us.
There won't be too many images and I will use the steps as chapters.
I know it is not really an Instructable and might not fit into any category anyway but I hope it will survive the checks and make it to a published state.
Of course it does not answer why I not just publish it as an Ebook, blog it or such modern stuff.
The answer is as simple as it is hard to explain without reading the book first.
So let me just say:
The origins and relations of math are as diverse as our makers community here!
A lot I write about will be familiar to everyone.
Some topics are more for those into electronics and computers.
Others will make the music lovers feel right at home while a few open minden people might even enjoy some relations to religion and artwork.
It will confuse you!
It will make you wonder.
It will make you question whether or not it is a fictional story or you can follow some of the links and connections.
It is like learning how your new toy actually works ;)
Disclaimer: The entire thing, the math, the relations, the names, dates, numbers, lines and circles,
everything you dare to read after this page is only fictional.
All relations you might see to real persons, events, countires, religions and so on are also fully fictional.
But although fully fictional I reserve all rights to my story and fiction.
Using any part, a combination of parts or the entire story for other than pure personal entertainment requires my written permission and consent.
For any technological or scientific gain or improvements I kindly request to be named in the related patents and publications.
Any commercial use is stircly prohibited!
Any military use as well for that matter.
If you cheat I will find out and calculate where and when you are...
Nothing of it is real, not a single line after this!
I reject reality and substitute my own! Thank you Adam!
As my math is perfect I can not make any spelling mistakes.
If you do claim to find some or many anyway I will claim that they originated from outside my reality.
You can keep them but if you make money from them give me a donation every now and then.
Thank you note:
Daniel, my brother and bringer of light, this book is for you!
Math - Is It in Us, O Did We Invent It?
Once upon a time there was a caveman....
He looked up to the sun and wondered "Why does it have this weird shape? How shall I call it? Maybe a circle?"
It was nice for him to know it was there and will come back every day like clockwork.
Oh, right he did not have a clock yet, but lets don't get too picky here ;)
Some winters passed and the folks needed to move some heavy stuff around.
And as they somehow figured out log on the ground help with that it was decided to be the best way to move things that are too heave to carry.
So much easier than dragging them too.
While our caveman took the union required break he watched his mates....
If I would not know better than these rolling logs look like the sun if I look just at their ends...
With the idea to invent a better rolling log he went into his work-cave, swiched the fireplace on and sharpened his charred wood for some meaningful drawings on the walls.
Of course his brain was quite small and with far less neurons than what we have...
And without a proper computer and printer his designs were crude to say it nice.
Suddenly it clicked!
If we could cut slices out of the logs and could make them somehow spin and also carry weight!?....
A few more winters passed and he passed his ideas onto his sun to develop them further.
Only a teenager but he was smart as they came back then!
So it was no surprise that before his wife gave him kid number 7 that he invented the wheel!
In technological terms we see the invention of the wheel as our first step to improve us and nature by developing something new.
But in terms of evolution and intelligence we "invented" math!
We discovered the ZERO!
And on top of that we also discovered the circle!
All by observing nature and the universe.
Some call it the wheel, I call it out first baby steps to learn a new language.
It is like the chicken and egg problem, which really is no problem and easy to explain ;)
In either case it allowed us to have more time to observe and get ideas.
From there we got better ideas and moved on.
And one day some, for his time, highly advanced human noticed that he is more attracted to a bigger food portion than to a smaller, especially if he was hungry.
So he wondered how he could actually know the difference unless he eats it all?
We could argue for days how he seperated and compared or if just just rocks and stones to compare was he had in food.
Either way after much more time someone got it right and figured out that One plus One really equals Two!
With that we could finally trade properly!
"If you like One of my skins than I need at lest Two of your traps and Two and Two and Two spears!"
Since this finally annoyed people so much that they invented mure numbers we ended up with this endless stream one day:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,...
You get the basic idea behind it.
And because in some cases multiplications and divisions are dead simple we just assume that one day we invented this one too.
Basic math was born and eneabled us to learn more, to communicate better and of course to again have more time for other things.
So did we discover math, did we invent it, did we copy it?
I mean to all three of course but also that for it to happen we needed to observe.
We needed to include nature and the universe.
Instead of going by what nature showed us we now also knew how long the winter actually was and could compare it to a previous one without just trusting our empty stomach.
What Is "higher Math" ?
If we skip a few kilometers of continental drift we might have started to wonder about patterns we see around us, in nature.
One things most of us might now is a sunflower, another a pine cone.
And if you are anything like me then you liked them both as kids.
Ever wondered why they look so damn familiar despite being totally different things?
You are not alone!
A guy with the last name Fibonacci wondered the same and actually started counting the identical spiraly we all can see in pine cones and sunflowers.
One set goes clockwise, the other goes counter clockwise.
How long the spirals are will vary but how they relate won't!
The number of spirals in either direction always equals a number from the so called Fibonacci sequence.
Don't aske me how many seed he ate or how many cones he burned in his fireplace but he found the sequence behind both.
And to his surprise it all was as easy as adding the previous number to get the next following in the sequence and it goes on forver.
Or at least until all your pine cones fall off the table....
Fibonacci "invented" his sequence through nature by observing it and trying successfully to implement into the math we knew at the time.
Another so called oberservation enden in the "Golden Ratio":
Thing is that endless numbers are not really easy to handle or use but at least we found a way to put into math.
You can read it up on Wiki if want to see what I mean with complex fomulas...
And all that if something simple like a Nautilus shell shows exactly the same.
If you really dare to read the whole Wiki article you might realise that something ends up very complicated if you have no clue how the Nautilus Snail managed to build its home without a computer....
At least we also "calculated the ratio and relations to the Fibonacci sequence.
Something I will refer to in a different manner once we reach Einstein.
Over time we found a lot more sequences in nature and "calculated" how to create them with our math in terms of formulas like for the golden ratio...
The more we were able to exlain or translate nature into our math the more we learned from both.
But we now also reached a point where humans became too lazy and too focussed on technology as a means for an easier and more convinient life.
Of course stopping now would have been like turning the TV off 5 minutes before the finals end.
Graphical Math....
As old as our discovery of math is the way to use drawing to explain math.
We all learned about this ancient old greek and his triangles in school...
Everyone who paid attention in class remembers that the teacher once said the triangle is most simple interpretation of a circle only using same lengths and angles.
Same way our 3D printers work, tiny but striaght lines form a circle.
And circles small enough will cause the printer to just print a triangle...
We like triangle so much that we use them in computers to create the realities and characters of our video games.
But also building often use then the same way as a crane: To evenly spread a force so the entire contruction can take more weight or force.
Just check the big towers for your nearest high voltage lines or go to paris, I heard they have an old tower somewhere in the city.
If we use circles we can create all sorts of complex geometric forms.
Comapss? Is that the name for the thing we used in school to make circles?
Just making a circle and then using any point on it as the center for new circle of identical size will always result in a harmonic and repeating or resonant drawing.
And where lines touch or intersect you can make connections...
We did that a lot in school when we were bored...
Quite interesting what forms you can get by using only half of the original diameter or twice, 1/3, 4/4....
Even more if you use the intersections as the center for more circles.
One way or the other PI was discovered and declared to be of great importance in life as we finally could relate to the wheel by math.
But if on paper all is so nice and harmonic, then why does the written math to it gets more and more complex?
I mean: same diameters for the beginners, so why do we use angles and lines to define something that is acutally based on a round construction?
Same for trigonometry in general.
Easy to do on paper, next to impossible without a calculator.
The "laws" of Physics....
Several great people are responsible for this collection of formulas, sequences and constants.
Over time we got quite a few and each and every single new one gave us great technological improvements.
But every scientist agrees that even all we currently know about math combined with all the laws of physics is, at best, good enough for a 5-7 day weather forecast....
The offical statement you can get from a lot of the professionals in this field say:
One or multiple tiny errors accumulate over time and the long term prediction will get off target.
Or in other words: Our predicted and calculated reality will only last a week ;)
Isn't is funny how someone can say right away no if you ask him if he trusts or at least read his horoscope but basically always says yes to checking the weather forecast?
If the laws of physics are still inclomplete does that mean we have not found them yet or does it mean our math is not capable of putting what we observed into a formula?
Either way something is missing in our math and our laws of physics - or how we interpret them.
The Missing Link(s) - Music...
I will give you more missing links throughout this ebook but lets start with music!
Music, isn't it a wonderful thing to have?
No matter how we feel there is always a song for it, a melody, notes...
Especially if we see how old school "movies" worked back before we had movies.
What happened on stage was one thing, the often poorly made props another but without the dramatic music and "sound effects" the poor guys performing would have died from starvation instead of getting drunk every night.
I music we find "soul", we find a match to the singing voice we hear, we can often even match it an think we could hear the vocals even without the singer.
But a composer does not more that to create a long formula and to "calculate" the values to create what we hear.
That is why every pianist sounds different even if the use the same piano, everyone brings his emotions and his interpretation of timing and how to hit the thing.
So time, emotion, harmony and resonance or repetition in many case form a whole as the melody we love.
And this goes so far that we can even whistle the tunes - a totally different level...
Music is math with harmony and resonance, same for dancing and singing of course.
Music is math, some might disagree of course but even if you do you have to admit the similarites!
Same thing different interpretation or language.
" Ahhh, Hugga, Hagga, Huggah!" mixed with some meaningful gestures might get you a beer, but trust me "A beer please!" works as good and you won't see a weird look on everyone around you!
Either, what you reall do it to use math for a trade.
One unit of beer for X units of money.
Speech only gives us a base to express what we want.
Sign language works the same way as written words.
But no matter what as an interpretation for the real math behind they often lack the right content and pathways.
"One more please!" in the context at the bar would make it obvious that we want another beer.
But what if some great couple just had a blast on the danceflorr next to the bar?
Totally different context, totally different meaning.
To make things totally clear and with no way of interpreting a different meaning we invented contracts and patents.
Ever tried to translate the fineprint of your house and content insurance to something you can actually understand without being ripped off?
Our misinterpretation goes as far as using it for daily comedy...
Bad one I know : "Well done!" if someone just dropped something and we know right away someone was at least sarcastic.
The same "Well done! however could also mean all went without dropping thanks to the great reactions of the waitress....
Harmony and resonance is what we seek in music but we hate to deal with in words or speech....
And only really long wordings or pathways make a legally binding contract "clear" - at least for those you understant law as a language...
Just the title did give you no clue and all clues at the same time.
But what will I really write....
Going back in time we used a round thing called a "Vinyl", "LP"...
A turntable was used to give us music if we put on disk on it.
But how did it work and why does even today every music lover say that nothing beast a good vinyl record?
I really short words:
A groove in the disc is engraved and during the engraving the grove is modulated by the soundwaves.
When we play it a needle is "virating along" the grove and through a coil and magnets we get a signal that can be amplified.
Or in the really old days just use stick tape, a ballon and a needle ;)
As new today say: It was an analog signal.
From there we got computers and sice they are dumb and only know 0 and 1 we got the Compact Disk - or CD.
The harmonic and complete signal is now hacked into tiny pieces an every peice gets a value attached.
And as we already know from geometry it does not matter how many "blocks" you use it will never be a true and "round" result.
Of course the technology went far enough that our ears simply can hear the difference anymore and transforms it for into the harmonic sound we need.
Not without thanks to digital encoding, sampling and speakers of course.
Is digital really better than analog?
Trusting cameras it is....
But as with the CD: only once the resolution is too high for ours eys to see individual blocks it looks harmonic again.
Zoom in and you still end with blocks...
I guess a lot of photographer would agree that film that would have an infinite small and perfectly matched particle size is still better than any digital picture possible.
We just can't produce anything like it, so in reality our old cameras were already "digital" - in terms of the prticle size and placements in the film material.
We record not just time but we also record records.
What would be the first born child without pictures and videos to show the little ankle biter once old enough?
How would you do your tax return?
Or just figure out who the guy was that appearently discovered america - I mean: how can you discover something if someone is already there???
And how come a LP, a CD, a Video, a Picture is interpreted as much as a record as anything we write down?
Try to write down your favourite song how you hear it coming from the speaker.
Not just the lyrics, the emotions, the sounds, harmonies, notes.
A three minute thing could end up to be a huge pile of paper...
Or how ould you translate into words what you see when watching the birth of your child?
We have a saying for it too: Words can't describe it!
So we know language, speech and all is incomplete...
humans are just to lazy and focussed on science and technology that we forgot the relations.
A Great Movie, History Record and Matching Song in One...
When I forgot how to put it all together I could also say we learned it.
We were guided to use the incomplete speech instead of something fully and whole.
And we accepted because if "everyone" does it we all do it.
But what about records older than the written word?
Outside our modern world we still find the remains of civilisations that did well without computers, cars or electricity.
Some are still alive but we don't call them aliens, we call them the native people.
And on a similar level we right away label them as "primitive".
Now, how primitiv would it be if you die in a remote desert because you have a flat tire and no spare?
At the same time the natives call it their home and had no troubles surviving there for far longer than you modern human know about the laws of physics....
And despite having no computers, no lights, no written language they know all about their past, nature and how to get from here and there and when the right time for it would be.
Also what food and struggles to expect along the way.
All from a few songs combined with patterns, music and harmony.
Quite often even including body paintings - like we use CGI effects now...
We forgot, they did not...
But if they survived, have records oldern than our morden history and on top also has a harmonic and peaceful life: Did we really learn something or did we forget too much already?
And why can we see the relations, the patterns and all around us but fail to connect the dots?
We have excluded harmony from our real life.
It is now only a nice distraction, a movie...
Turning on some music while having a workout is as natural as for most to want to dance to their favourite tunes if they are in a good mood.
We even want harmony in our love and family life - exeptions included of course guys girls and everything between or mixed - political correctness makes speech even less clear...
In a museum we might find a modern picture that makes no sense at all, just lines dots and such, or weird colors.
If it is not too modern we can often still see pattern, harmonies and with classic painting this is even more true.
So what makes us or guides us to forget, to miss the links, to fail making the right conclusions?
Sience, math, religion, new papers, school - our life as we create it and get lazy...
Math Is Everywhere!
As said, we find math wherever we look, whatever we hear and quite often even when we touch things.
And at least to some point I think we agree nature is involved with math in one way or the other, same for the universe as we know and understand it.
But if we have great minds discovering math for us and allowing us to learn totally new things from it that it would be total nonsense to assume anyone or anything would try to limit or even stop this.
After all if we can put it into math everyone can use it must be true...
Imagine someone would have come along one day and say "Hey! Look, I figured out that we are not really the center of the universe! Not even close because the earth spins around the sun and not the other way around!"
I think we all know how at first and ultimately his story ended.
His science community laughed at him ,the church threatened to kill him because he went against gods will and words.
At his time Galileo really shook the entire world with his statements.
And if one part of the bible is so totally wrong....
You see why they felt the need to protect the interests and "legally binding contract" - the bible....
Science, wins, religion looses and it marked the beginning of new levels of explorations and questions.
Like: Where did we really come from?
Why exactly does the moon cause tidal differences?
Remove the breaks the church had on humanity and science becomes able to fly away...
But science would be nothing without math.
Math would be nothing without nature and the universe.
As some "weirdos" say Math is the universal language, or numbers say more than words....
How Does Math Acutally Relate to Nature and What We Know?
Now we get interactive if you don't like to just read.
And as we know: Doing something yourself is always better than hearing or reading about it.
The winning homerun of your favourite team might be great on TV, better if life in the stadium, but imagine you could do this run....
To make the creation a bit easier and to help those who are still to lazy to try: use the image for the title ;)
Nature or the universe is a whole, it repeats and renews itself, but it also changes...
Either way(s) it could be interpreted in the most basic form as a circle.
And we use enough references to comapre it to know it is true.
So we draw a nice and big circle first.
Ok, well done, we have the solution already!
Oh, wait, it is still totally empty and just a circle looks we only have a ZERO to play with.
Since we also have the circle we already have two things: Nothing and all!
But with reference we find even on the internet, like to how to draw the latin cross on Wiki, the symbol of the catholic church, it becomes quite obvious that we need a triangle too.
The power of the three...
The triangle of powers....
Three phase AC....
The triangle as the most simple way to interpret a circle with straight and even lines.
So we can savely assume it needs to be within our circle.
The circle has no end, no beginning, it repeats itself in total harmony and resonance.
To get a fixed point we agree to make one line of the triangle horizontal and the opposing corner to touch the "top" of the circle.
Since it should be as close to even with the circle the other two points need to touch the circle too.
This only leaves one option to draw it.
Hint: 60° angles help as much as an initial 120° angle or a combination ;)
Now we should have a circle with one side of a "pyramid" in it.
But still not numbers anwhere except a Zero if we see the circle as one...
Lets Add the Evolution to the Circle and Triangle!
Hold on!
We are on paper, how could we possibly include evolution unless the word would have a different meaning?
You see why I say that language alone is not enough!?
We need math to make it clear, so lets try, shall we?
What is "Evolution" in terms of nature?
It could define how we got from ape to human...
It could define how we end up with a mix of white and balck if we breed a white dog with a black one.
Oh, wait, Darwin did that already...
Ok, then lets try something simple we all know a bit better: How does a single cell become a big and complex organism?
Hey man! You said simple!!!!
Ok, then, I will make how we get from a cell to a baby with just a few numbers!
Please remove the dust from your old bilogy books and confirm:
We start with a single, fertilised cell.
This cell then multiplies.
Confirmed again!!!
And somewhere on a page you should see how one becomes many:
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192,....
Didn't you say cells? Or did you say computers?
Well, a computer is based on technology we developed from understanding nature, so it is only natural a computer would use the same methods as nature, isn't it?
Messed It Up Didn't I?
How would we get these numbers into a circle and on top find any relations at all to the triangle???
If someone is actually still reading all up to here then there at least one person who could have a clue already.
We humans are lazy and we are lazy with math too, no wonder that we struggle so much with understanding how a combination of 14 or more letters, exponents, fractures and so should make sense to explain anything.
So we reduce all to something that is easier to handle.
32/8 is the same as 16/4 or 8/2 or just 4...
And instead of 12 times x equals 144 we can use 12*12=144or even shorter 12² - sorry but the editor here still sucks big time for formulas....
And a fun and totally basic way of reducing big numbers is called "Decimal Parity".
I'll give you a nice example:
For a long number all single digits are added up, the result if required is processed the same way until only a single digit is left.
Let's try:
5467814 = 5+4+6+7+8+1+4= 35
So in full decimal parity this longer number results in just 8...
Lets do the same with the numbers we found through cell multiplication or computers:
(I skip to the result but you can confirm it manually)
1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5,1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5,1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5,1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5,1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5,....
I see a pattern emerging but feel free to see if the sequence changes if you try longer numbers....
And if you paid attention to math in school you already see that we are missing three numbers....
369 If You Know the Secret of 369 You Have the Key to the Universe!
Not my words, the great Nikola Tesla loved to confuse the science community, the press and everyone else with this and similar statements in regards to these three numbers.
Trying to add 9 numbers into a circle should be easy.
According to our math we would need one number every 40° of the circle.
Again, if you struggle use the cover image or start with a print of a degree wheel ;)
But basic trigonometry should suffice - too bad noone really like it anymore LOL
Hmm, 9 numbers and the CIRCLE....
We could argue now that we could go from Zero to 10...
But we don't have a ten and our math as we know it need it!?
Well, my friends in the US will of course disagree and say: We use 12 and a lot of fractions!
A meter might be 100 centimeters but a foot is 12 inches - deal with that!
Why would I deal with it if it is actually the same?
Confused now big time?
12 can not be 10, otherwise math would be wrong.
Right? Yes...
Wrong? Yes, or right....
I am not making it better here am I ?
Ok, let me try again:
If we see the triangle than we also see from the missing numbers that 3, 6 an 9 must be the intersections with the circle.
This is the "base" for the catholic church and the imperial system amoungst a lot of other things.
It is also the reason why our clock has 12 hours and not 10.
If I say it is A Quarter To 10 then no matter is use decimal or imperial you know the time.
In a formula it looks like this 9 3/4.
With really dead simple fractions we can devide or day into portions - or define at what point of its rotation the planet is right now....
An interpretation of rotation, a circle.
So it makes total sense to use a similar way for math, 12 inches, one foot....
The "real" world would have to say, with a base of 10 for the clock something noone really can relate to the actual time of the day, so I skip it...
And if the imperial system uses the triangle then the metric system of course need to use the Zero as 0 and 10 at the same time.
And as with cells, the 1 always represents a new beginning if it follows the Zero.
But if you complete the circle and get back to Zero they join.
In the next round we skip to the two:
19+1=20 or 0+2
In reality the decimal system actually only goes from 1 to 9 and uses the = as a "placebo".
But you see how using the 3 (the triangle) instead of the 6 (the decimal parity numbers) is like speaking french and italian.
The sound familair to some extent, even use some identical words and even more that sound very similar and have the same meaning in both languages.
But without a translator we would need to be fluent in both languages to really fully combine them.
No wonder that we struggle when we need to get a common result but have to rely on data in imperial and metric form.
So, if we have our circle filled now with all numbers we are ready to go?
Yes, of course, we just start with the 9 at the top, and then go clockwise and add 1 to 8 every 40 degree.
To get some meaningful lines we now complete our triangle in one color and draw lines from one parity number to the next in THE SEQUENCE until we get back from the 5 to the 1.
But what we get now is only good for the most basic forms of math, trigonometry, divisions and such.
And only good if we can fit the numbers within 0 to 10.
For all else we need more lines, more connections, more possible pathways.
Too Simple or Too Much Data, Does Not Matter Much....
We can now make simple relations, like dividing 14 by 2.
(I will explain how if someone really can't figure it out in the circle)
But to make use of it as a "calculator" we would have to expand it to fit all numbers we need inside the circle and only use the outer numbers as reference points.
This way we can inlude the Golden Ratio and other sequences but also out lawys of physics, PI and other things.
So you "see" it would get very messy and complex the more we add.
But with a sunflower in front of use we get a picture of how the numbers would appear inside the circle.
If you want to go that route go a Google search for Tesla math multiplication and you will soon find one of his nice drawings explaining it all.
I will try, for this ebook at least to reduce the relations to a "lower" level.
What we see in front of us now is a nice circle with a triangle and two distroted rectangleslooking like a pair of wings.
Both repeat themself but never really seem to share a path.
that is why we need either 1/2 as a fraction or 0.5 to make it work.
Both are totally different, both are the total same and identical, just two "different languages".
So deviding 14 by 2 equals 7 as we all know.
But isn't it funny if you try to follow that with decimal parity and fractions on the circle?
14=1+4 =5 !!
We look for the five on the circle.....
Makes no sense does it?
But if we devide 5 by two we get 2.5 or 2 and 1/2.
Like on a clock we see where we would end up now....
And now just draw a straight line from "half past two" through the cnter of the circle....
You "discovered" or "invented" the 7 through a circle....
That Is Impossible!
I hear you, trust me, I do, I felt the same about 30 years ago when I started this journey of math...
But go ahead try other numbers, just follow the same pathway I showed you with 14/2=7.
Some numbers are really hard, so don't try to go too high as using decimal parity twice also requires more but identical/opposite ways to get back to a two or even three digit number.
Keep it to anything between 1 and 18 for now.
Can we agree now that it is indeed possible and Tesla was right? ;)
Time to move on then.
What Are We Missing in the Circle?
As we know from nature and life itself the circle can only be complete with harmony and resonance.
Some mght now say that I already said we have harmony through the triangle, the parity and the circle itself.
And of course that is as true as saying that we don't have any harmony at all.
If you know Yoga, meditation, eastern wisdoms of life or such then you know where I am going here already.
For those who don't let me try the long route:
What we see is straight lines inside a round circle.
Nothing that would compare to a nice amd harmonic melody or waves on a beach.
It is like listening to you the tunes of Mario and Luigi on your Gameboy....
But how can we possibly have missed something we not only included evolution but also energy into the circle?
It should be complete!
And it is!
But only if you try to apply our most basic math on it.
We so far used 369 as an interpretation from a religion, phrases, geometry and such.
The holy trinity so to say.
And if parity stand for how nature or the universe grows and moves, the we of course miss harmony in it.
If we me harmony we also miss resonance!
But how can we add two "new features" to our circle?
How or where can we find or "create", "invent" more relations to fulfill and complete the circle?
And where the heck are the missing laws of physics?
Myth? Religion? Math? Nature? All the Same?
If we agree that math has a base in speech, technology, science, religion, husic but also in nature then we should be able to find common grounds.
Well we won't....
Finding common grounds here would be the same problem Galileo faced...
We already know what is and what can't be so we can't accept anything different even if makes total sense in math.
So some people might get offended for no reason in this chapter.
If your religion does not agree or you don't agree how I interpret your religion than please keep this in mind:
I already said that I am writing a fictional story.
If aliens offend you, you won't watch Star Trek, Stargate or even Avatar, would you?
Let me try you;
If I would ask you if you have studied your horospcope this morning to plan your day or even week you might say "No way, that is bullshit".
And of course you are right because all we see in the local paper is a generalised info that might or might not affect someone within this particular star sign.
So why do these people bother and how do they do it anyway?
If you do astrology you use the dates, the planets, constallations and more.
Then you apply math and bring it togehter....
And well, for the daily news you reduce it as much as possible and cut out the best and worst.
Statical data generation ringing any bells here?
Now imagine I would instead ask "did you check the forecast today?"
Isn't that somehow the same thing and the same question?
Some guy uses "witchcraft" we can't understand or that we just refuse to understand and combines what data he can get from weather observations.
Then he applies math to make a possible prediction of what might happen in the future.
And most struggle with the daily and regional accuracy as much as you with accepting a horoscope.
Going for a full week usually means the tiny errors here and there accumulate and result in a bad "reflection of the reality" in the future.
Or did you ever find a gifted person who could see not just that you will get a wife a soon but also gave you her name and address?
So why again is the weather forecast so important to you again?
You could check local weather observations, satellite images and quickly do it yourself.
We could, but why bother if someone else can do it for us...
Why use a pen and paper if we have a calculator app on the mobile phone?
Why use a fluent and harmonic handwriting if we can use block letters or just type and print?
We are loosing the connections...
We start to fail to see what is right in front of us...
We do math the same way we drive car while texting on the phone.....
Evolution Needs Guidance and a Plan
If we just the nonsense from previous chapters than this one will make no sense either.
In nature we can see that from a single cell, something seemingly identical a lot of different things can evolve.
A flower here, a rabbit there, a human everywhere....
But why?
How does a single cell know that once done we need two arms and one nose and not one arm and four eyes?
If we trust science than we have a thing called DNA.
And the same guys who found it claim it contains all building materials and informations on how construct us.
Like a computer simulation that includes all building materials and machines for it as well.
A lot of popular games are based on exactly this.
A C G T.
Four simple things that combine to anything living we know...
Feel free to use Wikipedia to check for all details with DNA and Nucleic acid sequences please.
The article there are more comprehnsive but it seems to be clear that any of the four can only form a possible combination with three others.
And if we skip back to the 0+1=10 we could argue that is shows that each individual could create three different outcomes.
Now these outcomes can again only combine in a limited number of combinations.
And so it continues and as with else so far we again found a way math to explain it all for us.
And for once with two different languages of math if you like my twist.
So you can imagne that if had a few "evolutions" in sync and then start to mix then and line them up....
Copy this line or just a part of it, again alter it...
If you know the "plan" or pathway you could calculate the outcome once the patters stabilises.
Encryptions and cracking works in a similar way....
What About Limits?
The first and single cell contains limited energy and building material, that is why it is usually supported by a goo of basic building blocks.
You can see them when you have breakfast and crack an egg open....
The DNA contains not only the basic plan but also an "encryption" pattern to bring the right result.
On a bigger scale we see it in every eco system we have not touched yet, so not much left....
Nature finds a balance, a harmony while constantly renewing itself.
Old rabbits die, some get hunted, new ones are born.
The more competition, the more dangers to be ended too early and the shorter the lifespan, the higher the number of offsprings, at least in general.
Some however compensate by preserving energy because a lack of dangers or predators only requires a good balance between food, water and energy usage.
Why else would we call someone really lazy a "sloth"?
Too many predators for example also means the food source will go down.
So either the predator moves on (at least some) or the are reduced by starvation until the balance is restored.
Nature is really good at this!
There is always a prey for a predator, always something to deal with the left overs and recycle, something end to give new life or extent the life of something else.
A circle...
And then came humans and discovered or invented or inherited math to develop all we know today from it.
From prey we became the top predator on the planet.
Were we have no prey we use technology to bring, food, water and resources.
Were there might be a predator left to harm us our our food source we remove it.
Shooting, hunting, pesticides, herbicides....
Like a virus we only consume, we only multiply - until there is nothing left but a big virus colony with nothing to colonise or consume/transform.
No surprise either that we write stories and make movies about how an A.I. know it all better and want to remove us from the planet.
We need to relate, we need to complete the circle but we will be damned t acknowledge that the movie could tell the truth about our true nature...
Apart from wars the limited food and fresh water is the main reason people now move their homes.
We call them refugees...
No offence for the following!
I stand for what I say if I say that every human in need of real help and support should and shall get it!
But you might also understand the downside and why some will find it offensive soon.
Refugees and Migrants As Prey and Predator?
If you ignore the human factor and respect that I treat us humans on earth like any other animal then:
A group has overstretched and exeeded the limits of what nature and they can supply in food and water to sustain themself.
Sadly in many cases literally like your fish pond run dry....
Be it war, be it religious reasons, political or just "the force of nature" ....
It comes down to that a more or less balanced eco system more or less suddenly has to deal with limits in food, water, supplies, infrastructure, support...
There are two ways to compensate:
Close the borders and ignore the problem - we as humans and for being politically correct can't do this.
But how exactly do we adjust?
Many countries like Australia already have (or had) a very diverse mix of cultures and beliefs.
So from there we know that integration is often a problem.
And even without any of it many females, gays, lesbians or the "african americans" might agree that integration and acceptance still has some limits today.
For obvious reasons this can lead to tensions.
On top of all we now need to get more food, housing, hospitals, schools and so on.
In the long run this only works by implementing the new people into the old system and way of life.
You can't just keep feeding the cow without milking it too.....
But where does the food come in if are blind and ignore the water problem in the long run?
We improvise, we organise, we compromise and we make do somehow....
Once the balance is restored all is fine again....
Even if all this would be as easy as it sounds we are still all the same animals....
We multiply and have offsprings....
And for some reason one never seems to be enough.....
Two might work if you consider that the old is replaced with the new and only during shared times we would need twice the supplies.
But make it just 2.001 as an average throughout the population....
Imply time....
The numbers grow exponential and at some point mathematically seem to literally explode.
We can make that graphical too by using Y=x" or just x=x*1.0001
Depending on how you do it, it might start very slow and seems like you can neglect it but the longer it runs the bigger it gets....
Where in nature we have the term "natural selection" the human stands over nature and intergates more and more predators while building over the areas that can be be used for food or prey, like farm lands.....
Again: No offence you are most welcome as long as I can pay for my food and water.....
Other Limits Too?
Refugees are the worst example you can take these days but despite that it shows how we see things from different perspectives, depending on where we stand and how we look at it.
I could have used a fish pond with carp instead....
The mathematical or natural otcome would have been the same.
But we we make our own path, our own future thenwho or what could actually stop us?
Nothing and noone but we self!
Sadly though like parents with their kids some might now say that everyone not able to fully understand what happens and where he fits in need supervision and protection.
Safety latches on the oven door, a booster seat in the car, holding them by the hand when we cross the road.
Totally natural isn't it? We know we need to protect our offsprings, so we show them little by little what to do, when to do it and why they do it at all.
A kid one day learn how to use a toilet and paper but it will be years until the kid fully understand what hygine is....
Once the kid is an adult we might still continue.
Disabilities (another missed natural selection), sickness, illness, crime...
And if are so happy and conform to do this then the question is:
Are We Still Kids?
If we treat our adults in need the same or in a similar way as our kids, then we might wonder if we could be kids too?
The missing laws of physics can only be explained and expressed by allowing harmoy and resonance into our current understanding of math and the universe.
And as blockbuster movies show by their profit margins: Harmony in humanity means reaching the stars and exploring the universe itself.
The old islamic world was for math what the biggest libraries in the world are combined for all else.
Similar for many asian cultures.
We lost a lot of old knowledge for various reasons and we still wonder what we might have save in time if all these old rolls of papyrus would have been rescued and made it into a modern library...
We see ancient artefacts, temples, buildings, ruins and pyramids.
We know what tools and technologies they had available at that time.
We know they couldn't have done with the tools and technology we claim they had and in most cases don't how to do it in todays times with modern tools either.
We know because someone says so they did it anyway the way it is said....
An "ornament" a hieroglyph, an artefact a "scratched thing a stone wall".
Each of them in different parts of the world, different continent.
Each of them far older than the wheel.
All archelogical and docmented findings.
Each with no reasonable explanation from those claiming to the experts in archeology on how they were made,
on what they actually show, what they could mean.
So what do they have in common you wonder?
If you would show them to any 8 to 14 year old kid in the modern world and ask then what it could be you get these responses:
A rocket ship.
A space shuttle.
A man in a space ship.
If a little kid can make the connection then why are we forced to see it not just differently but with either a bogus or no explanation at all?
Why claim so many museums displaying such weird things that they think they are either fakes or just decorations?
And why the heck would a museum refuse to sell a fake to some idiot offering them literally millions of dollars for it?
Seing, Knowing, Being Blind and Knowing Nothing and All
You don't need to search hard these days, full movie length documentaries about the ancient maya civilisations are out there the same way as the pyramids from around the globe, ancient ruins, stone setups and just stone work to a level of detail and perfection noone today can come even close to replicate.
We can see an apple falling from a tree.
We can find some smart guy who puts it into a formula and makes it a law of physics.
But we can't see that you can't machine the hardest stone on the planet with at best bronze tools and to a finnish a modern CNC setup would struggle with.
We can see that we can even build a machine big enough to handle it.
But yet we "know" they only used a hammer and chisel made from soft metal and a few thasuasnd people to finnish it in time.
Ever tried to polish a pathway of 20000 pavers to a mirror finnish with 2000 people at the same time?
So it makes total sense that we never actually found enough metal that combine would make up for enough tools.
But well if the old guy with a doctor title in archeology says they did it with man power and soft metal tools it must be right...
If you think you know better than let me know how to create an earthquake proof rock wall.
Might come in handy one day, but do it like the old dudes with rocks of several hundret tons in weight and with a fitting that not even a single sheet of copy paper fits into the gaps.....
They did it with brone tools and without power tools....
And there is more we don't "see".
Telescopes, Satellites, Cameras
If you would be an explorer and venture into a part of our world that (as far as we know) no modern human has seen close up before: What you do?
Well, you would explore of course...
You would also keep a record, collect samples....
But of course you would never consider to fully document it picutres or video and sound!
You seeing what noone else has seen be before, gone where noone else has gone before...
You come home and just say: "Well, that's it, I saw some interesting things but it is good to be home."
And if someone wants to know if you found new insects, mammals or plants in this remote jungle you just say:
"I found something but it was not of any real interest.".
Ok, can I see it?
"I did not bother to take a picture...."
Well, did you make some drawings, did you discribe it in your notes?
"I already said it was not intersting enough but I might one day write something about it."
So you wasted all this money for nothing?
"Oh no, I will go back as soon and if I can!".
The above sound totally logical doesn't it?
And it is exactly what "the world" does and we just say, ok, we move on....
Hubble gave us clrystal clear images of the universe, even galaxies far, far away...
But some technical glitch must prevent that this technological marvel can take a clear image of the moon....
Same for out big observatories, they all look past the moon and into the stars.
After all every school book has a map, picture and more of the moon these days.
We see it up there, so ....
Again the big spy Google provides us not just with images from eather but also from the moon.
And like on earth we have different level of detail or resolution.
And like on earth we have "areas of interest" that are of no interest to the public and they are replaced with dummy images, copies or blurred out.
After all showing our latest military and gouvernemnt installation in full detain and where they really are is these days considred a security risk.
A lot of things don't even appear on maps or road signs either.
You could literally just follow a public road in the outback, make a wrong turn and a while later only see a gate and fences, no entry, no explanation and despite seeing the road it is not on the map.
Dare to check Google map and it might show you standing in the desert and miles away from the nearest road.
So are you seeing the fence, have you use the road you are standing on to get there?
Of course not otherwise Google maps would confirm where you are and show the road you are on.
A few people here might have tried to locate know but "secret" installations on Google after passing them by car or such things.
So you know how bad it often looks once you reach the higher zoom levels and seems of the stichting jobs.
And you know it looks destictivly different to the usual stitching we see all over the global coverage.
The moon is no different.
Does not proof anything I know, but give me a link where I have a full and highly detailed coverage of the entire moon, front and back.....
You know, in the level where you can clearly see the remains of our previous visits up there.....
Ok, the moon might be odd but we know it is a lifeless and that we can't afford to visit it just for fun....
So it makes total sense to spend enough money to eradicate hunger, poverty and the non existing health care system of the US only to suddenly stop with ready to go missions planned and say "We have seen it, we know it is there and we leave it alone from now on.".....
And although it would make no sense we waste more money to build an orbiting space station.
The main fuel is used to get out of orbit, the rest to the moon is costing next to nothing in comparison.
Getting stuff together with a least a little gravity is easier too, not to mention the option to find something to use a fuel locally so we have more than just solar power and nuclear reactors.
But why bother....
Come On, Not in Person As Well - Are You Kidding Me?
The moon might be far away but there is another spot on the planet we don't see....
Amundsen showed us how he got to the north pole.
And since we know the ice up there is melting we can use ships and even hire a plane to fly all over the area.
We can take as much video footage as we like, take millions of pictures and all is fine.
So if you would really try you can create a coverage good enough to see how many fishing rods are leaning against an iglu.
Lets imagine you are one of the rich kids and made enough money to give all your great.grand kids an life without worries....
Would be nice, wouldn't it?
Well, quite few more than just handful of people would have no problem buying and entire country if it had a price tag on it....
So wasting a few weeks to collect highly detailed aerial images from the north pole should be no problem at all.
When done and happy try the same "on the dark side", the south pole....
Try to get landing and refuelling permits at the various and often undisclosed "research" facilities down there.
Try to make them bring in fuel, supplies and such for you....
Or simply try to get fly over rights and permits at a height of lets say under 2000m....
You would need to apply to a bunch of countries, deal with a lot of paper jugglers and would get nowhere.
Ok then, you reduce the variables and make your own supply chain with a base on lets say the falkland islands....
Only the fly over and documenting rights on a free and not militarily used continent that officially belongs to all of us....
And still no money in the world will help you.....
Back to Our Paper Circle Please....
Stories are fun, mytheries are even better, but we wanted to talk about math....
You will see (much) later how it all come together as whole story....
We tried to bring religion or myths into our circle and check for relations we can use.
The church and latin cross was easy.
Islam is more based on a pathway and how your actions affect the outcome.
In a most basic form: Do this and all is good, do that an you go to hell....
We could for that assume it follows a path with two equal but opposing possible outcomes.
Or instead of using the power of the riangle of energy Islam interprets math as harmonic pathway.
This mean we might argue that we have the triangle from the roman church and harmony and a path or partity from Islam.
But we neither know what the actual path is nor where they got the harmony from or how to put this harmony into our circle.
We could now try some important islamic numberslike the 8 and start seeking relations.
Since we already know the roan church was influenced and partially based on islam we might just stick to the parity numbers we already have and keep searching for the lost harmony.
And doing a direct and mathematical comparison of isal vs the curch might not be a wise thing anyway as temperaments boil over easy these days.
So what religion, belief or math do we know that stands for true harmony ?
Taoism comes to mind and the symbol of Yin and Yang.
Similar base has the snake that eats itself while forming a circle but the snake would have been only good for the circle itself.
I just assume most of those who still keep reading this are familiar with the Yin and Yang symbol.
Yin and Yang - Another "missing" Link!?
Now someone making all sorts of wild and seemingly random connections, someone adding mystery and consiracy someone totally nuts - why would I go to to Yin and Yang now???
As said: nature is the universe, nature is harmony....
Drawing and implementing the symbol into our paper circle might seem hard if you see the symbol now after a quick web search....
But look at it again....
Ok, you struggle already...
It is two circles of exactly half the diameter of our "outer" circle.
They both intersect or better, just touch each other an the big circle.
Their common touch point is equal with the center of our big circle.
They are as close as you can get with two identical circles and as big as you can get to "fill" a circle with them.
So much for geometry....
Religion we had because we got it from there.
So what about science or technology?
Certainly we can't find any references in it?
What about we remove one half of each corcle or use a different color for it....
Do t right and suddenly you see a perfect sine wave going from the 9 to exactly "4.5"...
Look again closely and you see that the lower circle has its center right on the horizontal line of the triangle.Sure, I create the thing, so I can make it match....
But we already noticed how the other and previous things worked so well in the circle....
If you know your juice or electricity then know a lot about sine waves, how to use PI and of course that like a circle it has no real end or start.
You might also know about harmonic frequencies....
Now you know why we call them harmonic.... ;)
But what other math relations can we "see" now?
Isn't it funny how we get a totally different meaning of the tiny trinagle with the center of the small circle righ in the center of its horizontal line?
Suddenly another triangle we so far failed to "see" binds the three mathematical bases.
We found a common link between all of them!
And we also found a clear relation between 1/4 and 3/4 through the center points of the circles in relation to the diameter of the bigger circle.
Suddenly we can "see" why we can use sinus functions in a triangle if we work with angles and distances....
We see where fractions come in and why a 12 can be a 10 an 0 or all at the same time.
Still we fail to see the relevance or the connections.
Let me help you see once more....
369, Again...
We used some math to gain our parity lines from binary exponents.
But what makes the triangle so special apart from religious powers and gemetrical copies?
3, 6, 9....
Use only these three numbers, add them upp, multiply them do it as often as you like.
Use decimal parity on the result and you always come back to 369....
But there is the fun math jokes we can do too with them....
Play with it and "see" how we get numbers that always look familiar, look like we use them really often....
And if we again use electricity the than some might know how we use a three phase AC motor with two configurations, depending on how we wire it up.
The have symbols, one is a star, the other a triangle....
If we now would apply this too to our circle we have the energies either facing inwards or outwards.
One with a sum one with a centered base....
And then there is the thing with the angles again....
Does 120° sound familiar when I say "3-phase AC"?
It is the angle btween the phases in terms of the position of the sine wave.
And isn't it funny again how our triangle has the same angle, the same relations.....
There is much more of course once you start to "see" but it would become a literally never ending ebook if I list and explain the all....
For now I just hope you at least find some entertainment in relations and conclusions that do not exist in reality.
It just a story, fiction, remember....
Tesla, Again....
If Tesla not only was obsessed by 369 but also with the relation of 1/4 to 3/4 and 1/2 then the modern comclusion is that he sufferend from OCD.
But if you know someone suffering from OCD that is mild enough to allow to create countless patents, speak 8 different languages and change the entire world then please let me know who he or she is as I love to meet up!
So why this fixation, why integrate into every aspect of your life if it not a "medical condition"?
We know that someone suffering from autism can be a math genuis with no real contact to "our reality".
What if Tesla suffere in a similar way?
What if he needed to invent AC electricity after exhausting mechanical resonance?
What if he needed to create a new reality to explain what he could "see" in 369, parity and harmony?
What if he could not only see the circle but "see" and understand it?
We all love the great picture of a weird looking scientist with the weirdest "hiarcut" ever - and Einstein loved it too.
He was smart enough and had enough humor to make jokes about himself.
But he also had close contact with Nikola....
The exchanged ideas, had fights about different views and opinions, often refused to speak to the other for weeks as a result.
But they always came back together until the went seperate ways.
Yin and Yang....
Now assume for a moment there two people working on a technical or scientific or mathematical problem.
They both have different native languages the other does not understand.
But they both share a limited amount of a common second language.
Trying to explain something that is new in your language is one thing.
Doing it in a language you struggle with a bit is much harder.
But your good work mate has a good understanding of things and often finds ways to express and understand the other in his own language.
And bit by bit and over time they complete their common language so the communication becomes easier, cleared, more detailed, complex.
Instead of saying "Give me that round and heavy thing with the wires on it please." you could then say "Please give the little 1/2HP AC motor from the top shelf.".....
So, if Tesla was a genius in harmony and electricy and gave us our modern life as a result of the talks with Albert, then what did Albert give us?
The atomic bomb and nuclear power for example, which some say will end us sooner or later, one way or the other....
One gave us our modern life the other gave us the power to make it all go disappear in a big mushroom cloud....
Did They Both Fool Us?
If you know patents and such then you know they usually won't tell you what you really need to know.
Even the great Leonardo already used this by implementing a gearing system in his "tank" that can't work...
Tesla claimed to try wireless communication while in fact working on wireless energy.
So of course the bomb was just a step to give us, what back then we though was, unlimited and "free energy".
Check some ads from the time and you would want to have your own reactor in the garage....
So we know Tesla though we were not ready yet, Einstein knew Tesla....
Does that mean E=mc² is just a "patent"?
Well, of course not, the greatest mind of that time calculated it so it must be true.
And yes, it is - as much as a patend drawing would allow you build what you see in a patent and make it work right away....
But if you already know how exactly a combustion engine with four cycles works then a patent showing a transistor based ignition system instead of just a distributer and coil is no big deal.
Buildig an EFI system from scratch based on that might be a bit harder though....
E=mc² - or Not?
If good old Albert was as cheeky as we were made to think then certainly he realised the impact and acted accordingly.
And the greatest minds confirmed that it should be trua and valid, so why do I make such a fuzz here about things that are know facts?
Yin and Yang - what we see and know is not always what we know and see...
Since the first caveman use a club and dragged his future wife home we know gravity can be a "female dog"....
But we needed an apple, a ramp and heavy ball so good old Newton could make us "see".
Isn't it funny how our funny Albert got a Nobel price for cheating??
Use Newtons formula in the right order, replace some letters of the alphapet and you end with the atomic bomb....
Copy and paste without Windows....
And noone seems to be able able or willing to "see" it....
Combine with a really, really funny statement from the scientists who first "calculated" the expected energy output of litte Fat Boy and then corrected the results by a factor of 100 - exlcuding losses of course.
Hmmm, but Albert said...
Yes he did and then they all comcluded that therory is not always what we calculate and the results of such vital experiments only prove it.
Not a single scientist noticed Newtons lawsof physics and motion, gravity and so on...
And Einstein himself realised his formula is off by a factor of 100...
Still it does not make it less true as we know the result....
But now also knowing and "seeing" our triangle....
Tesla used electricity, energy with no "mass"....
Einstein used mass and instantly turned it into "all energy"...
And if mass is just energy anyway than it has to be of a different structure or level as things like electricity, gravity or rotating forces....
As a mental reducer we could then try to just see AC and mass for the 3 and the 6....
So in the best case mass could "be worth" twice as AC...
Then again it turns into so much energy...
Mass is both the six and either the 3 and 6.
The secondary nuclear and fusion reactions could be interpreted as multiplication of the initial energy....
The continue until all mass and energy is reduce to a level that no longer sustains a reaction, from there we deal with chemical and thermae reactions, radiation electromagnetic interfrences and shockwaves....
To make the confusion perfect:
If mass has two different energy levels but transform from one to the other instantly - then why do we need C at all???
To See or Not to C....
If C does not really matter anyway then we found the "safety" in the patent....
We can replace by a factor or if we like it complex formula based on time.
But as Einstein also realised we were not ready this alone was only a safe guard to "realise" the "conclusion" is false at best.
And to follow suit I won't replace C with the real deal but give you a hint how it could look as Einsteins real formula if we would allow Yin and Yang into our math:
Makes total sense with math as we know it but none at all in our triangle as all are the same.
And really thinking about it, it makes no sense anyway as the speed of light is a fixed thing...
If it would actually work than someone out there should be able to calculate the speed of light based on the mass of the bomb and the resulting energy output....
Oh right....
How convinient that we can't actually accurately measure it to begin with.....
So how about this:
E=m times 1 or just E=m
And at the same time E equals also m times 1000 or E=m*1000
For "theoretical" arguements it does not if it a 1 or a 10, a 10 and a 100...
What matters is that we have two equally true factors!
One is for the mass before the boooom, the other for the initial or final resulting energy output.....
Sure Why Not....
You now might agree about the fictional part if you see it as the story I write.
You might also or otherwise say that it is just total nonsense.
And some might even go as far as saying it is §$%*' and I am just mentally insane.
Of course I won't deny an of the three.....
If Einstein fooled us for so long then he needed help....
So what actually happened to C after the big bang theory?
Well, we got better at math.
We got better at science.
We got better at observing things and making relations.
And instead of using quite accurate and already used things we decided to "re-define" the common meter.
I already gave you hints to it, some witches and wizards of scienc use it every day and now we find the speed of light even on Wikipedia, the secrect is out anyway....
So confirm or deny it it but I state:
C = 299792458 and C² = 89875517873681764
And Wiki will let you know how to calculate exactly one meter with quite complex formulas, so you do the "real" math while I show mine once more and "invent" the deciaml system as a "by-product":
2+9+9+7+9+2+4+5+8= 55
And the same for C squared equals in parity to 100...
No conclusion I know....
But what if we do it just one more time???
C=10, C square=1
All of a sudden C square is smaller than C!?!!
One more and they both are equal to 1....
But did I say that already before using other "words" or "math?.....
Of course it is pure coincidence that a fixed constant of the universe could be reduced by "unreal math" to get a "real" meter.....
But then again: Didn't we use the same parity to create our circle?
To "invent" our math?
Now You Start to Wonder....
If nothing else then by now you would have found some joy plaing with numbers in "unknown" ways to get totally meaningless conclusions.
If a bit more than you had some fun readin all this §$%&/*'....
If you say now "no!" then I do have to wonder how you made it that far.....
But what if you start to question if there is some truth in the fake math I play with in your head....
Does that mean you "see" a bit of what you hear, love and enjoy in music?
What if it does make sense, if it fits togther, if it is "real"?
Than it only reflects human nature upon us.
Wonders Start....
What is a wonder or miracle?
The bible says one thing, a mother whos child defied all odds to be born healthy will say another.
And if you played lotto for the first time and land a jackpot your story might make it to the evening news as a side note.
But would be a new way of math after thausands of years be a miracle too?
Would harmony and resonance in math not find the missing laws of physics?
After all we used the triangle and parity for what we have so far on the wall....
If it is like nature, like the universe, a natural path, would we evelove from it?
And if we do would we have any limits, any restrictions left?
Would anyone or anything still be able to "control and guide us"?
Or would we just lean back, take a beer and relax as all the times before?
Would we destroy ourself?
Now, using any math to base a beginning or an end is a task that is close to impossible.
Not because the math is flawed, the numbers are.
What year exactly did the first intelligent human popp out of his or her mum?
When did we "invent" the wheel?
What calendar do we use? Christian, islamic, chinese or shall we check in the aztech region?
There is no record of time with a base we can use or understand.
But we have hints...
The tower of babel.
Trusting Wiki and science and land around 610BC.
The bible and other religions give us hints too.
Some with different years, some with more or less matching ones.
We could find relations...
But before we do we need to break a seal....
The Seventh Seal....
Every wondered what it is with the number seven and apocalyptic poweres, total destruction and reaching something we should not even try to touch?
If you followed the story so far I am grateful for your endurance but also for the stuff you created on paper with me.
Count the straight lines we have from the triangle and parity.....
9 lines...
3 in the triangle, 6 in the parity.....
369... again...
9 intersections....
Now try to count in how many individual and/or joined triangles results....
Am Starting to Freak You Out a Little Now?
If so then lets add some science fiction to our storyline...
From this fun genre we learned about submaries thausands of miles under the sea.
We learned about aliens and laser or paritcle weapons...
But also about bringing the world together, loosing it or winning a great battle over it....
If a really good and personlised birth horoscope would confirm what you know about yourself or your partner: Would it be concidence or math.
Would some errors be miscalculations/misinterpretations?
Or would all matches be the error?
You can relate the time of babylon to the current year by several different ways, from PI over fractions to parities.
All with an error level good enough to land on the moon, if you get my drift with crafts lost due to metric/imperial problems.
And in the sprit of thenext chapter I will spiceit up with a lot of weird conspiracies.....
Secrets, Hiding, Hunting....
No you might wonder why I don't give you and clear numbers.
After all the 30 years of "research" and then nothing!??
Well, if you wait for the big bang here than I won't disapoint you.
But not in this chapter....
We love James Bond, we love secret weapons and plans, we love to win....
But if we "trust" all those numb nuts out there than we already had cars running on just water.
We had "free energy" not just in wind and solar...
We had great minds and inventions that vanished from the surface of the earth....
If we trust....
Pick only 1% and say it is true or was true, then what happened?
We know the church tried to keep us controlled by forcing flase math and false interpretions on us.
We also still see how something peaceful like the islamic religion can be interpreted to cause cause, violence and death.
We "saw" what happened to Galileo and others....
But how could we add such a great twist, such a great myth and denial to fictional story about a fictional math system?
With money and the biggest non existing organisation in the world.
Take big here in any relation you see fit...
Shall I try my last stand before the big bang?
Are We Puppets?
The question sounds dumb but reflects what happens if someone or something makes decisions for you and all you do is following them blind and without questioning.
Oh, and no I don't mean religion, this time at least....
I mean science and technolgy the equal and opposing forces to religion when believing things we take for granted....
You see the centre of the top little circle?
You wonder why this area is so empty?
It is not....
Draw a horizontal line through the center of the top small circle....
You get a triangle within the triangle that also forms the top of the triangle.
Now keep that small triangle and its relation to the big one in mind if you don't mind.
Take a look at the big one and our circle centers again....
1/4, 2/4 or 1/2, 3/4...
If we go between the first and sencond center we get 3/8 - sound familiar by any chance if you are used to the imperial system and tools?
Hurray! We solved the great metric/imperial conspiracy!
Oh, right we know and use both "freely", so no big deal...
But if we add some harmony in the form of playing artist?
The Circle Closes...
Take a new pice of paper and transfer the triangle without the top to it.
Add the horizontal line please to "close" it.
Place the little triangle at a small distance on top of it.
Turn them slightly, add perspecitve, like a slight view of a pyramid - at least in your mind...
Looks nice doesn't it?
Now, if you would be so kind mark the 3/8 point in the smal triangle "hat"....
What could we use to replace it to "disguise" where and what it is?
A sun, a moon? Nice but sooo lame....
We know math, we know my "fake math" now a bit - we can "SEE".
So lets add any eye with the center of the eyeball right on 3/8.....
Add a nice but loose circle around it....
Since I am writing my §$%& of here: Can you give me a dollar please?
What just happened here????
What do you suddenly "see" if you were actually foolish enough to give me your one dollar bill?
A Result !?
A part we can construct from a graphical interpretation of a "fake" math system lands on valid US currency....
Money the power that make us, US and all tick....
A thing we can use to apply control, force, energy but also someting to give you an early retirement and joyful life...
But our result would but have harmony or resonance if there would not be something else....
At first just ten letters, 1+0=1....
But also a non existing organisation with the non existing symbol from a fake math system on a real dollar bill....
Pretty clear the confusion here....
If we trust rumors and bedtime stories then "they" operate from the shadows...
They operate unseen...
They see and know it all...
They take away what we should not have...
They are what some people with plain and silly colored clothes see every day: guards....
If fake math show real dollars and real relations, then.....
It is a STORY!!!
There are no Illuminati the same way as there are no extended military facilities in the peaceful antartic snow....
Ok mainly though a lot down there is actually warm and ice free....
But you get the point...
If not you can at leat explain why the moon is not spinning and for us seems optical of the same size as our sun....
We know the moon is there, we know what it is and what it does, we have been there....
So what does it matter that it won't turn, we don't know ANYTHING about the dark side...
We don't need to go back to check it again....
And we know that something like the Illuminati does not exist for the same reasons....
The Bang Is Coming....
We "see" what is happening, we know when it "might" happen but "we" is not we...
As said I could draw conclusions that related babylon to 2018, or to be precise 18.08.2018....
But in a fictional story with fictional math there would be little joy in giving you now arm long calculations, drawings and so on....
So for the sprit of the phantasy here we just assume "I know, I see"....
Applying fake math that everyone could do is soo much more fun once the story gets really scary....
369, 3.3.3, 12, 15, 18, 21, 27...
The numbers from the title will have no meaning to you I fear...
But try to at least find the 3 in them ;)
12 and 18 are really interesting, especially after a 0+1 event like a few days ago.
And as we now also realised in our fiction the 7 is the real deal too!
And well 11 or 1+1 is in the beginning of new life, is in parity, is in the golden ratio....
Ok, you got me now as there is no way to make something "real" and "scary" happen with those numbers.....
Or is there??
Back to the Future....
If you know what will happen and when, do you know it or do you predict a different reality?
To play with nice numbers we need real dates and join them with fictional math...
Since we now really like multiples of 3, 6 and nine....
Is there one that really shows all and not too far, like 369 years away?
How about 2036...
36, 18...
I like it, looks "harmonic"....
Looks like Yin and Yang.
From 2018 t0 2036 we have 18 years.
And from both years we get 11 or 0+1 or 1 in total parity.
But a bit "fuzzy" for a detailed "weather forecast".
And soo long term anyway, lets bring in the 7.
36-7=29 - sounds like a good year too...
2029 2+2+9=13!!!
The numer we already know from witches and evil, unlucky things!???
But also a new beginning for the 3...
Also 1+3=4 - we have three and a new beginning, 1+1...
1+1=2, 2*2=4...
And we could find more stuff too....
But only years, how fake, how inaccurate, how boring....
Ok then lets mke it in the spirit of both and re-use the 13 and the 4!
13/04/2029 AND 13/04/2036 !
Good One, Really....
You don't like the title for this chapter after all this?
Ok, then replace it with "What where those two really up to?"
And I mean the old pals Albert and Nikola....
But that one is time for another bedtime story...
I have not fully finnished it yet...
So we add some myth and magic to the fictional dates I calculated based on fictional math and fictinal relations/conclusions.
Do you like the Movie or TV series "Stargate"?
An alien race playing gods in the universe and good old US of A saves the day again and again....
We can relate....
Our circle could be the sun for example....
Or the God Ra.
One of his alltime rivals was Apophis.
Our ancient translations of the hieroglyphs in Aegypt tell us when the fought the sun disappeared.
Today we might call it a simple solar ecclipse...
But one could spin myths further and say Ra is th Sun Apophis the moon, althoug it makes no real sense in any math, not even mine.
Well apart from the fact that there is more on the moon than our rubbish and footprints....
But how could we make this work out as a great story about math???
How about I would say:
13/04/2029 a komet will come really, really close to us?
Possible, well maybe...
But how about it comes back 7 years later on the same day and then much closer than 2029?
In fact close enough, that if you include mathematical errors due to "accumulated tiny errors over a long period of time", the "weather forecast" predicts "Rainly with a chance ofmeatballs half the size of the moon....."
Oh and local forecasts predict the meatball will pass us closer than the the moon - earth distance....
And to make it fun we call the comet "Apophis" !
Are You for Real, Am I for Real?
Great story and worth to make a movie about I know!
So great producers and studios out there: I had the idea first! ;)
Hang on a minute, will you now?
Did this idiot here just waste so much time to bring math down to crap?
Well, no I made it look good so you can "see" it too ;)
Ha ha... :(
Ok, and what comes now?
Did anyone bother during the last chapter to get it all into a question to my all knowing friend?
You know, ask Google things like "13 14 29 36 apophis" and see what you get.
I did really good and create a huge fake line of bread crumbs throughout history, religion, speech, language, technology.
Basically everything any totally insane mind could possibly relate somehow to math....
Even the universe itself, or why else do you think I make a tornado or the whirpool from the draining water in you sink look like a galaxy???
I gave you the hints and clues since the biginning of time....
You just failed to "see" them ;)
Or how else did I make Nasa use my dates, my little Apophis in some downplayed and meaningless articles?
Is my math wrong or is NASA wrong, why again did you guys get so scared you never returned to the moon?
Okm just kidding just like making 369 up, I made the Illuminati up and as Nasa is really good at math they did not use my math with harmony and resonance.
Nasa used a bunch of expensive supercomputers to calculate the dates and come up with a name that relates.
Like Einstein and Newton....
What About Donald?
Come on, you have my circle, you my lines, you even have my small circles and know Einstein and Tesla knew it too.
How hard can it be?
Really, you struggle still to open both eyes and "see", damn you single eyed Illuminati ;)
Ok, then how a sequel of sorts?
Next to impossible after a possible exiticting level event I know.
No wonder your beer got warm and your chips stale....
But spinning the Trumpster into all of this?
Like norse gods?
See the similarity in the name?
Considered "translation" errors and time?
Donald Trickster, Donald Loki....
Together 10 letters....
The old circle completed, he starts a new...
Or 1+0=1, he gets nowhere....
Yin and Yang, 369....
Not convincing enough...
I see....
Then imagine some egomaniac with trust, gender and sexual issues.....
He can deal or accept a woman with intelligence above the single digit IQ he shows us in interviews.
If you don't agre with me you need a new job....
You are what again? A gender neutral being with binary tendencies??? Get %$§&/$ will you....
One of the most powerful "businesman" on the planet become the new owner of the "company" that is the most powerful nation in the world.
Great match, like made by the russians ;)
Thank god we don't have the Illuminati and thank god, good old Donald is not realted to them.
At least if you don't count business and family ties....
But since I just showed religion is math...
Since I just showed math is nature....
Since I just showed math is the interpretation of the universe as good as we can use it....
Well, thank me instead ;)
Oh, damn, Apophis, right...
Imagine good old Donald would totally change his personality over night.
No more enemies, no more wars...
Suddenly he could unite us all so we can share our ressources (so he does not loose too much money) and unite by building a research station on the moon.
Like the research stations in antarctica where the sientist wear shorts outside and grow their own veggies without a greenhouse.
Oh, sorry, they don't exist, only really cold wastelands with freezing guys and no cameras...
Either way, what might some non existing time table state how long it would take to have a self sustaining "sience colony" up on our satellite (is the moon hollow? ;) )....
According to my totally fictional base with fictional references like Nasa used for Apophis, this is estimated to take about 35 years but a functional station should be possible by 2027....
If we all work hard and chip in, like by preparing our kids for something fictional by suddenly going again injury protection in school...
Things like adding really competition in sports with tournament against other schools and all....
Like,lets say you would do to prepare for a long time in a lower gravity.....
55 years of nothing and now we need to urgently "call home" and do science on the moon?
Sure going to mars and beyond from there is logical....
Same is being even more remote than the south pole...
Same is hiding the truth....
There is nothing in at or on the "lost continent"....
Well "someone" found evidence of extensive WWII naval bases.
Some suffient to service the Graf Spee...
Back in their full glory of course....
And since the rulers at that time needed their people to start a useless war workers were required.
There was only one labour force available for free that would certainly never tell anything to anyone....
Every wondered about the tattoo on their arms?
An ID sure, but why, for what?
Statistitical data...
The germans back then were obsessed with paperwork and collecting all possible details.
Name, birthday and place, familiy relations, businesses, friends, "work assignments".....
We all the numbers, we all know how many were killed, we know who the data was collected and what used to store and relate the data.
You might want to check with a current and strong business and military supported in the US that already existed and operate during WWII.
A company like IBM for example....
And guess who were most keen to free the suffering Jews, to grab, steal or collected was could be removed?
The same people who were so proud to have won the war, the US military....
And isn't funny how a fictional thing like Neuschwabenland was "occopied" by the allied forces as soon as they could?
How many "workers" were transported where and when? ....
For scientific and peaceful research of course and with no relation to a non existing Nazi base or several.
Not to mention that even the germans "found" long after someone else called home already.
Hey we found america, we found that ice covered wasteland, we won't let go ever....
I hope that if some fictional character really calls it home he will not face the real consequnces those suffered who called america home before the US found it....
Ever bothered to do a fictional history research on the Loki family?
No matter where you go, no matter where you look, somone related was involved or knew all about it.
Up to above top secrect and eyes only clearances....
Since well before WWII, since before Westinghouse cheated Tesla to become the global company we all like so much today.
By a Westinghouse generator, we stole the idea and never paid for it.....
Make us rich while we lauch at Tesla....
Smart move Einstein, you really "saw" it coming your way, didn't you?
Then again,someone invited into the circle of the eye of Ra would have had instructions to stick to the great plan...
SDI to keep the russians away or to aim towards the moon instead?
Creating new taxes to keep the US strong and safe from imports while aiming for global unitity?
Donald, Donald, Donald.....
Everyone can look up the origins in Ireland for that name....
Everyone can see and hear....
You might have our calls, emails and who we talk to on social media, you might even know my IP and address - But I "see" with both eyes now ;)
I see and speak math...
And I speak it in the same tongue as Albert and Nikola...
Final Words....
I intentionally left some chapters, some relations, some clues out.
Otherwise we would end with 60 chapters.
But I like you to make up the rest, tell the story about how learned to "see".
"See" 369, see parity, see harmony and resonance.
See math, speak math, be math....
To the president of the united states of A:
I am truly sorry if you feel offended in any way!
I would have love to include the Terminator in my story but I guess the Barbarian would have been too "green" anyway.
All relations, links or what some might see as accusations are pure fictional and reflect on a fictional interpretation of a non existing mathematical system.
A story, nothing more....
I might not like you, I might not know you but I a like to be polite.
If there would have been a different president, there would have been a different story, different numbers.
And I could not make a fake president of a fake nation to complete a fake story, could I ?
Thank you for your understanding on the matter of comedy, fiction and stories!
To those who listen to what we do:
I said already it is a fictional story and I tired my best to apologuise for something I did not even do your boss.
So, would you please be so kind and remove that black van at the end of my street?
You know the one with the deely tinted windows and the food delivery at 3, 6 and 9 PM...
Can't really check while at work but everyone there claims to have no clue where the old refrigerated van came from that has these tiny hole in the sidewall with camera lenses?
Well done on the sticker and realistic look rust and dints by the way.
Please, don't get me wrong, I don't mind if you feel like a little stalker.
But it really freaks me out seeing all this food and drinks coming into the van with no one or no waste ever coming out.
I mean, I have a toilet and a rubbish bin, what the hck do you install in these vans and where can I get it?
To those who don't exist:
I made you up from fictional stories, fictional math and fictional relations.
So the Illuminati exist only in my imagination.
But I do not image seeing the Watchtower twice withing this month.
And guess what, the second group of J.W.'s claimed they just started their rounds and noone from "their group" would have visited me just a few days earlier.
The second group also did not cause interference on my measuring devices....
I get the whole watch and tower joke, really good one!
But since I only imagined you, you guys really don't get the whole concept of being a part of my imagination, do you?
People I gave the gift of sight through fictional math disappeared with no trace...
Friends, work mates, neighbours, even family members...
And I checked, they are not on a any non existing military installation.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want to accuse a non existing group that I made up of anything here!
I will even write a new book without you and Donald...
If you just give me the two girls back you "removed" last year...
Come on, you know who I mean...
These hot twins that have their bdays switched with my month and day.
I see you still have their hot leather outfits ;)
So bodies unharmed with the usual memory wipe and maybe a nice and remote area we three could populate?
Maybe in the south with a warm lake under miles of rock and ice?
Supplies for a growing family till 2036 included please ;)
Please read on....
51: to My Friends and Followers
If I disappear you will at least know why and where to ask to get me back ;)
But seriously:
In case anyone ever reads this chapter than you have my respect!
You did well, you tried to see, pretended to see or at least I wasted a rainy day worth of your time to keep you dry.
Yin and Yang...
However Yin and Yang also means you might only just begin to allow one eye to blink....
In case you want to "see" more, do more "math" and one day (hopefully before 13/04/2036) "see" the whole circle:
Upcoming releases to this series of "interactive" Ebooks in mathematical oder:
Part 3: Einstein said C is light, I say it is time and nothing,
(chapters 52 to 101)
Part 6: And she transmits! Or how to use our planet as a transceiver.
(chapters 102 to 256)
Part 5: Back to the one or how to speak math.
(chapters 257 to 1023, some with audio references)
Part 9: 9 how use the universe as a battery.
(chapters 1024 to 4095, you can skip the first few hundred if you read the previous as the contain mostly mostly old references but bring them into easy to use formulas.)
Part 369: Why build ships if we use earth as our space ship?
(chapters 4096 to 299792457, a few thausand pages as a reflection on my early days of "seeing" math but after that it gets very technical.)
I am still working on the last part, chapter 299792458 orPart Zero.
Unlike the previous parts writing is now really hard if we do it in this current form.
So for now I only have a few hundret pages explaining and detailing how to speak math and how to include the harmonic movements of the body and breathing techniques into the right patterns.
You can only speak math if you can see math and you can only written math if you speak math.
Chicken and egg problem but at least we now know how to solve this easy one.
Claiming you could see the written without ever having had a decent and long math talk would never work.
So I know you are lazy and I know that you know that I am lazy too.
Otherwise I would have finished far more chapters by now....
Once I have the base for a written math sorted out I need to reduce it to fit into a standard keyboard layout.
Since math shows by then we won't even really know anymore what a "keyboard" is I might go with a touchscreen instead.
But time is both limited and relative and energy...
Building Tesla's last and not patented transformer costs a lot of money, need massive space and even more time to construct, unless I cheat and do it like the people who built the musical temple in india.
And if you ever checked how their oldest statue of their elephant god looks you know why I am not looking forward to it.
9+9 years to go to reach the finnish line, I hope you can read all chapters in time because time is less relative as you might see.....