$3.00 Parking Assist Hack
by Withered Perception in Living > Life Hacks
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$3.00 Parking Assist Hack
If you havd a Ryobi Garage door opener and have the parking assist. You may have noticed that the parking lazer doesn't aim far enough down to hit your dash due to the extended track length of this unit.
Here's a $3.00 fix for that or anynother parking assist unit with simalar units.
Here's a $3.00 fix for that or anynother parking assist unit with simalar units.
I got one of these inspection mirrors at Harbor Freight for like $3.00.
Take It Apart
Enough said...
Just the Head
Put the head of a zip tie into the open socket and tighten the screw.
Get Fancy
How ever you need to add a few zip ties, velcro, glue etc...
Consult Your Boss
It's always a good idea to vonsult your boss to ensure proper installation.
I just installed this garage door opener!
I have yet to clean up the wires and the big electrical opening needs a cover. It was the old light.
This thing has a awesome motion sensor LED on it so I dont need it anymore. With that being said I used it as a box to add 24,000 lumens of overhead shop lighting.
Now back to the Instructable.
Mount the zip onto the parking assist and adjust the mirror as needed.
Note: The lazer will now point all the way to the door if you need it to... Just incase you need to park outside...
I have yet to clean up the wires and the big electrical opening needs a cover. It was the old light.
This thing has a awesome motion sensor LED on it so I dont need it anymore. With that being said I used it as a box to add 24,000 lumens of overhead shop lighting.
Now back to the Instructable.
Mount the zip onto the parking assist and adjust the mirror as needed.
Note: The lazer will now point all the way to the door if you need it to... Just incase you need to park outside...