3-D Nautical Plaque

I made this on an 8 x 14 inch background but any size within reason will work.For this reason no dimensions are given. Keeping the foreground, (Lighthouse ) to 1/3 of the width seemed the best proportion aesthetically.

Wood base, 3mm Baltic birch plywood, coffee stir sticks, popsicle sticks, clothes pins, tongue depressors, etc.
Blue tinted primer, various acrylic paints, brushes, sandpaper, construction adhesive
Paracord, smooth beach stones, black permanent marker.
Scroll saw, kitchen shears, stapler
Base Preparation

Sand completely.
Cut paracord to length and knot each end. Staple to the rear top to provide a hanger.
Prime the front and edges.
Starting with dark blue at the bottom apply acrylic paint in streaks across the front, changing to lighter blues and greens toward the top. Use the same brush to blend as you change colours. add some horizontal streaks of white to simulate clouds or whitecaps. Paint black where rocks will be glued.
Foreground Preparation

Cut lighthouse pieces with a scroll saw. Cut windows, doors, etc. (thin wood) with kitchen shears.
Sand and glue together. Paint details with acrylic paints. Glue to backgtound.

Add details with marker. (windows, sea birds) Make, paint and glue any other details
(Sailboat, etc) Glue rocks in place. Paint final details. If this will be outside, spray with clear lacquer.