3 Awesome and a Bit Weird Donald Trump Diy's

by ShakeTheFuture in Workshop > Molds & Casting

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3 Awesome and a Bit Weird Donald Trump Diy's

3 Awesome and a Bit Weird Donald Trump Diy's

In this Instructable, we'll have a look at 3 Donald Trump Diy's.

These Diy's are for people who love him and even people who can't stand him.

You can always make a present for your Donald Trump hating dad.

Now he can burn the candle and watch Trump melt.

These DIY's can be applied to any action figure, so if you don't like the Trump, just imagine it's a Super Mario.

You do like Super Mario Right? :)

What's needed:

Donald Trump Bobblehead

Silicone Rubber

99.9% Pure Tin metal (Approx 1.5 - 1.7LBS, 680g - 770g)

Cheap corkscrew

Candle, modeling clay, etc.

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President's Corkscrew


I took off the head from Trump's bobblehead and fillet it with modeling clay.

President's Corkscrew


I attached the head to an empty jar.

Then I glued an empty plastic cup on top and marked a line where I'll be cutting the mold later.

President's Corkscrew


I measured the silicone needed and mixed it with catalyst.

I used so called double mixing technique. Mix the silicone and then pour it in another container and mix it again.

When the mixing was done, I put the silicone in the vacuum chamber to get rid of any trapped air.

If you don't have a vacuum chamber, so can still make the mold

President's Corkscrew


I poured the silicone and put it in the vacuum chamber for the second time.

This way we can make a perfect, bubble free mold.

If you don't have a vacuum chamber, you can long-pour the silicone.

Pour the silicone from the table to the container that's on the floor.

This way the silicone will trap less air.

President's Corkscrew


When the silicone had hardened, I carefully cut open the mold to removed the head.

President's Corkscrew


You can use a baby powder as a mold release agent.

Usually used when casting metals.

It can help the casting to come out better.

It's not something that is always necessary. Try to cast without the powder and with the powder to see if there is a difference.

If you decide to use the powder, cover the mold with it and then shake out the excess.

When that was done, I use an electrical tape to keep the mold together.

President's Corkscrew


I remove the worm from a cheap corkscrew and attached a bolt to it.

President's Corkscrew


I melted 99.9% pure tin.

Tin has a pretty low melting point, so you can melt it on your kitchen's stove.

President's Corkscrew


After removing the gunk from top, I poured the tin into the mold

President's Corkscrew


When the tin had hardened and cooled, I removed it from the mold and sanded a little bit.

That's it!

We have made Donald Trump's corkscrew.

Sometime when you cast tin, it can come out yellow - gold-ish looking.

If that happens, you can polish the tin until it becomes silver or just leave it as it is.

I like the yellow tint, so I left it.

The yellow layer will eventually come off in places you touch it the most.

So, If I keep using the corkscrew, I expect the golden hair turn to silver.

President's Gear Knob


I poured the tin into the mold.

This time I put a bolt in the center of the mold.

The bolt is same size as my gear stick.

President's Gear Knob


When the tin had hardened, I wrapped the head with a fiber sheet and put it in the vice.

I used fiber sheet only because I had one. It's there, so the head does not get scratched + it can withstand very high temperatures.

An ordinary cloth should also do the job.

I heated up the bolt, so it could be removed from the head.

When removed, it left a hole with a thread.

President's Gear Knob


I screwed on the head and attached a mini suit.

Now you can change gears and touch Donald Trump's hair at the same time :)

It's a good way to prank someone who hates Trump.

Imagine going into your car and find Donald Trump's gear stick.

President's Candle


Usually when people make candles, they buy candle wax and wicks.

Since I am not planning to make a lot of candles, it was cheaper and faster to remelt a candle.

I removed the wick.

President's Candle


I used a wooden needle (that I made from a BBQ stick) to make a hole in the center of the mold and pull through the wick.

President's Candle


I held the wick in place with a Popsicle stick and a magnet.

President's Candle


I melted the candle and poured the wax into the mold.

We have made a Donald Trump's candle that kind of looks like a hulk.

Supporters can burn it to celebrate the victory and people who don't like him, can burn it to see him melting.