2x4 Essential Oil Holder
holds all essential oils
oils are everywhere so time to make a tiny oil shelf
Rip 2x4
I ripped the shelves to 1/2 in and then cut it long ways in half so they would be 3/4 in i use this for the fronts of the shelf so it would give me a 1/4 inch lip
Assemble Shelves
the 2x4 width was perfect for the shelf
Assemble Frame
i just used the same 2x4 ripped at 1/2 in
Hippy Stain the Wood
i figued i would try and use something i seen on the web i used coconut oil to stain the wood and couldnt be more please with the finish
Rip 1/4 Inch 2x4 for the Back Glue and Nail
i used a brad nailer
Check to Make Sure You Measurement Are Correct
the bottom shelf was a little tight but it still worked with the small oils
Hang and Fill With Oils
simple easy way to store essential oils
Admire the Work
look at the wood grain in the back!!!