2D Splatoon Squid Plush Keychain

by hwcsnmd78 in Craft > Sewing

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2D Splatoon Squid Plush Keychain

Try this one.jpg

I've always been a fan of DIY, and Nintendo's lack of available merchandise is an opportunity I will take advantage of.

This instructable is for a quick, easy 2D decorative keychain from your favourite cephalopod game! I favour and choose Pearl, but with some modifications to the pattern, you can make any character you wish!

I apologise for any odd angles, poor lighting, grainy pictures etc.. I've never done this before, but I hope to get better. Don't be afraid to give feedback!!




1. Pink fleece

2. White fleece

3. white felt (not pictured)

4. white ribbon

5. White thread

6. Pink thread

7. Stuffing

8. A4 paper


1. Scissors (I'm lucky enough to have fabric and thread scissors, but use what you can and get an adult if you're young!)

2. Needle (none in particular)

3. Pins and/or pegs

4. Ruler

Draw Pattern and Take Measurement

Paper 1.jpg
paper 2.jpg

I based the body shape on Game Guy DIY's squid plushie, although mine is slightly altered.

The squid is 12.1 cm tall and 6.5 cm wide, the star is 11 cm tall and 4 cm wide.

Draw half the shape needed on folded paper and cut (no seam allowance).

//Tip: cut in arcs to avoid making inward points.//

Your cutouts should look like the last pictures above.

Cutting the Fabric

body 1.jpg
star 1.jpg

Add the paper you cut out and layer it on your chosen fabrics.

Use your preferred method of transferring. I pinned my paper down.

Mark (lightly) around the paper. The mark is now your sewing line.

//Tip: use chalk, a water-soluble pen or a heat transfer pen to mark the seam allowance and be light, or it will show later.//

Measure 1 cm on every part of the main body (I didn't, so mine came out messy, oops).

Take your pink fleece with the shape on it and cut leaving a 1 cm seam allowance.

(I folded my pink fleece in half to cut two shapes simultaneously.)

For the star, I leave roughly 0.3-0.5 cm seam allowance. Put this aside.

Pin both of your pink pieces, right sides together. Make sure to leave a gap for turning out later.

(The blue pegs are where my gap is).

The Ribbon


Find the length you want your ribbon (or any string attachment) and add 1 cm to it.

I want mine to be 4.5 cm long (with SA), then double it for its total length of 9.5 cm.

Put the ribbon loop inside the main body's right sides. At least 1 cm of the ribbon's ends should stick out of the seam. As shown in the last image above.



Staying on the sewing line, backstitch all around the body.

Mind the gap. (Don't sew shut).

//Tip: with the legs, sew in small arcs, not triangles, e.g. first picture. Arcs keep the shape better.//

Cut the pointed bits flat and cut in between the legs, mindful of the stitches.

Flip the body inside-out using the gap.

Then, use a round pole, like a pencil or a chopstick, and push the rounded end into the crevices and points.


stuffing 1.jpg

Slowly add stuffing.

Use your pole object (pencil..) to push the stuffing into every nook.

//Tip: Understuffing leaves the plush floppy and limp, but overstuffing shows your stitches. Take your time with filling.//

Invisible stitch the gap shut when you're finished.

The Star

pinned applique.jpg

Adjust the star until you're happy and pin it down.

Whipstitch all around.

For the turns. Curved Whipstitch tutorial.

Tie off and hide the knot in the body or under the star.

The Crown

Screenshot 2024-01-16 19.19.50.png
Crown 2.jpg

To be accurate, I want four prongs for the crown. See the first picture.

I used a string length, fit it against the head and positioned it until I was happy.

Then I cut and measured it (10 cm)

Ten divided by four is 2.5.

So, approximately every 2.5 cm. I placed a prong (1.2 cm in height) and did this four times.

I added straps about 1 cm long on one side and 0.3 on the other (0.5 cm height).

Then, cut your pattern out.

The Crown (stitching)

closed crown 1.jpg
closed crown 2.jpg
pin crown blur 1.jpg

Pin it to your white felt and gently cut it out.

Delicately backstitch the straps together so the stitches aren't obvious.

Pin two sides of the crown and adjust until you're happy. e.g. third picture.

I don't use an exact stitch, but this is my best explanation.

  1. Hide the knot under the inside of the crown.
  2. Come up through the pink on the other side of the crown.
  3. Go through the base of the crown towards the inside.
  4. Go back through the pink on the other side of the crown
  5. Go from left to right while repeating.

Do this for both sides.


last picture.jpg
Try this one.jpg

And that's that! An easy-to-do keychain!

Now you have a cute squid version of your favourite character.

Now I just need green/teal fabric for Marina...