2-bit Full Adder Using Half Adders

by saadmalik15 in Circuits > Electronics

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2-bit Full Adder Using Half Adders


Aoa everyone in this post i have made a 2-bit full adder using 2 half adders. this project has been made by Saad Ahmad Malik and Muhammad Adil. What supplies do i need? and how can I make this circuit? All your questions will be answered down below.


OIP (1).jpeg
OIP (2).jpeg
R (7).jpeg
R (6).jpeg
R (8).jpeg
R (9).jpeg

The things you need.

1- 1x bread board

2- 1x quad 2 input or gate (7432)

3- 1x quad 2 input and gate (7408)

4- 1x quad 2 input exclusive or (XOR) gate (7486)

5- 9v Battery

6- Battery snap connector

7- 2 bulbs (any color)

8- jumper wires (male to male)

The Setup

OIP (3).jpeg

step 1: apply all the IC gates on to the bread board but remember the dot on the left side of each IC must be upwards

Apply the Ground and VCC

Full adder using half adder

Apply the black wire(which is the ground it is a base level value with which we measure all our electrical measurements) and the red wire on the left and right side respectively or you can apply them together on left or right side

Apply All the Inputs and Outputs

Apply all the inputs and output wires onto their respective gates make sure the wires are male to male also known as pin to pin

Apply the Bulbs

apply the bulbs for carry and sum output make sure both bulbs are fully functional because these things are very delicate

Supply the Volatge

now you can you supply the voltage onto the circuit using the 9V battery connect the snap connector onto the battery and your circuit should be working


1- Make sure the wires are connected snugly onto the bread board.

2- The battery should be 9V.

3- If the voltage is not reaching the second bulb (if the second bulb is not working) make sure to provide an extension for the ground and VCC region.