No Sew Hair Bow
So beautiful for a casual outfit
Get a wide white ribbon and some thiner ribbon, some scissors and a glue gun
Cut a piece of the white ribbon about twice the size of your hand
Now cut a piece of the other ribbon the same size so it fits on top then glue them together
This is what you should have
Flip the ribbon around then fold it in half
Glue it so it stays in half
Now you have a piece of what you had before except the purple is now on both sides
Pinch both sides in the middle together to create a bow shape
Cut a short piece of the purple
Fold the purple in half then hot glue it
Wrap that small purple piece around the part we folded on the bow then glue it in place
Now you can glue a bobby pin to the back to keep it in place in your hair and You're done!!!!