16 Key Macro Keyboard
The goal was to make an open-source 4x4 Matrix Macro keyboard with additional features. The features I chose were to have rotary encoders (I used 3) and a screen to display the mappings. I didn't use an Atmega 32u4 directly but used an Arduino Pro Micro clone so that assembly becomes easy for everybody.
I ordered from JLCPCB(See step 1)
2)16xMechanical Switches. They must be 3-pin Cherry MX compatible
3)3xEC11 Rotary encoders
4)1xSSD1306 OLED screen
5)1xArduino Pro Micro Clone
6)6x10K resistors
7)Male and Female headers
8)Soldering iron and solder
9)16xCherry MX compatible switches. I 3D printed mine.
Getting the Gerber Files
Extract the MacroKeyboard3RotaryEncoders.zip file. Inside there is a "Personalized gbr.zip" file. Upload this zip to JLCPCB, select the PCB color, and order. My name and a logo are on the PCB. If you don't want it, the kicad project file is also there, so you can modify this project any way you want it.
Step 2: Getting the PCB and Assembly
You don't need perfect soldering skills for this project. I suggest doing the resistors first, the headers next, and the switches and encoders in the end. To keep the switches aligned, I put some glue on them and then soldered.
Optional Case
The enclosure was designed in Fusion 360.
You can use 2mm screws, but it works without them as well.
Demo Code
This code has macros for KiCAD. It displays the mappings on the OLED screen. The encoders are used for undo/redo, volume, and brightness.
The End
I hope you liked it. Feel free to modify it as well.