14th & AR, New York City

by John Craig Freeman in Circuits > Art

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14th & AR, New York City


14th Street between Union, Square and 9th Avenue New York City

There are particular locations around the world where network activity has become so intense that the virtual world has begun to penetrate into the real. 14th & AR in New York City is one of the most active of these sites. Artist John Craig Freeman has developed a software application for mobile devices that allows the general public to detect and view this phenomenon.



Theorist and science fiction authors have predicted for years, that the virtual world would one day begin to merge with the real. Bits and bytes will leak into and mingle freely with atoms and molecules.

Like the subterranean watershed, virtual dimensions courses through the cityscape in rivers of fiber optic flows, just below the surface, often indictable with the naked eye. 14th & AR converts the users phone into a divining rod of sorts, allowing netzens to dowse for alternative realms of awareness. Dig deep enough and virtual reality leaks into the physical world unabated, a fountainhead the hyper-real. Objects appear to replicate and float off into the sky. Entire buildings lose their mooring and drift away. Reality itself becomes unstable and fleeting at the intersection of 14th & AR.

Prepare Your Phone


To view the work on location along 14th Street, between Union Square and 9th Avenue, in New York City, using any late model iPad, iPhone or Android, download the free Layar Augmented Reality Browser (http://layar.com) and scan this code.

View the Work on Location in New York City

14th & AR: Telephone Booth

Create Your Own Geo-located Augmented Reality


This 15–hour Instructable provides a hands-on introduction to geo-located augmented reality.

Geo-located Augmented Reality allows people to experience alternative realities at site specific locations. The public can simply download and launch a free mobile app and aim their devices’ cameras at the surrounding physical place. The application uses location detection technology to superimpose virtual objects, people or scenes at precise GPS coordinates, enabling the user to immerse themselves in the work as if they existed in the real world.

By the end of the workshop you will be able to:
• Create and manage an augmented reality assets

• Create simple but meaningful 2D and 3D virtual objects and place them at specific geographical locations

• Understand how to use the Layar Mobile Augmented Reality Platform

• Test, view and document your work on location

Participation Requirements:

• Each participant must bring a late model mobile device (iPhone, Android smartphone or iPad) equipped with a camera, GPS, compass, accelerometer, and mobile Internet or Wi–Fi connection

• Each participant must have access to a late model computer with an Internet connection

• Advanced participant must have access web servers space and a database. If no institutional support for databases is available, participant must signup for a third–party web hosting provider. I recommend GoDaddy. The host must allow unrestricted FTP (file transfer protocol) access to at least 40 MB of web servers space and a dedicated MySQL database (client version: 5.1.49 or later) running phpMyAdmin (version: or later)

Getting Started


Keep you phone charged at all times.

Create a folder on you hard drive named Augmented_Reality Download the Workshop Assets to your Augmented_Reality folder Open Workshop_Assets/AR_Admin.rtf.

Photograph as many objects as possible that represent things you have lost, both tangible or intangible, trivial or profound.

Be sure wherever, possible, to keep the objects contained within the frame of the image. Take plenty of images of each object, to assure quality, including exposure, focus, framing etc. Choose a single image (best quality) for each “lost object.”

Lost Things


Choose the best, most meaningful images and use an image processing application, such as Adobe Photoshop, to isolate the objects on a transparent background, scale the image to 1024×1024 pixels, and save the images as .PNG files.

Write a short story, no more that a few paragraphs, of each “lost thing.” Bring the images and stories to our next meeting. Be prepared to tell the stories to the group and relate the stories to the objects you have chosen.

Project Production



Install the free Layar App augmented reality browser on your tablet or phone

*Advanced participants:

Create an Account

Log in > Layar > Menu > Setting > Account

Username: Your_Layar_Account_Username

Password: Your_Layar_Password

Select GeoLayar > Test

If necessary, test from remote location using Fixed Location

Layar > Setting > Developer optionsUse fixed location: √

Latitude: Your_POI_Latitude

Longitude: Your_POI_Longitude

Prepare your own PNG file with transparency

Save it at 1024×1024 pixel Lastname_Firstname.png

Save it at 128×128 pixel as Lastname_Firstname_Icon_128.png

Modify OBJ Convert an .obj file to the Layar proprietary .l3d file format using the Layar3D Model Converter Inspect Workshop_Assets/OBJs All three .obj, .mtl (UV map) and image file (.jpg or .png) are required Layar3D Model Converter Menubar > File > Import Wavefront (.obj/.mtl) = Workshop_Assets/OBJs/ Simple_Facing_Plane.obj Overview: Inspect stats, File size (bytes) not to exceed ~5,000,000Materials: Select > Replace Image = Your_2D_Object_1024.pngDiffuse = WhiteAmbient = WhitePreview: Menubar > File > Save As Your_Simple_Facing_Plane.l3d

Animated Assets Layar3D Model Converter – Menubar > Open = Workshop_Assets/Simple_Facing_Plane.l3d Materials: Diffuse = WhiteAmbient = Whitestatic – animation > Replace image = Workshop_Assets/Resources/Animation/Animation_512_01.png to Animation_512_10.pngAddDelay (ms) = 200Preview: Menubar > Enable > Animation Overview: Inspect stats, File size (bytes) not to exceed 1,000,000

​Modify OBJ

Convert an .obj file to the Layar proprietary .l3d file format using the Layar3D Model Converter

Inspect Workshop_Assets/OBJs

All three .obj, .mtl (UV map) and image file (.jpg or .png) are required

Layar3D Model Converter

Menubar > File > Import Wavefront (.obj/.mtl) = Workshop_Assets/OBJs/ Simple_Facing_Plane.obj

Overview: Inspect stats, File size (bytes) not to exceed ~3,000,000

Materials: Select > Replace Image = Your_2D_Object_1024.png

Diffuse = WhiteAmbient = White

Preview: Menubar > File > Save As Your_Simple_Facing_Plane.l3d

​Animated Assets

Layar3D Model Converter – Menubar > Open = Workshop_Assets/Simple_Facing_Plane.l3d

Materials: Diffuse = WhiteAmbient = Whitestatic – animation >

Replace image = Workshop_Assets/Resources/Animation/Animation_512_01.png to Animation_512_10.png

AddDelay (ms) = 200Preview:

Menubar > Enable > Animation

Overview: Inspect stats, File size (bytes) not to exceed 3,000,000

3D Assets



Photogrammetry is the science, technology and art of obtaining reliable information from non-contact imaging and other sensor systems about the Earth and its environment, and other physical objects and processes through recording, measuring, analyzing and representation. In this case, photogrammetry is used to create 3D models from series of photographs taken at various angles.

Photographic Input

Autodesk 123D Catch can be used for basic geometry extraction from a mobile device

Autodesk Memento Autodesk Memento is the easiest solution for desktop geometry extraction VisualSfM

A powerful opensorce core photogremmtry sollution is VisualSfM. Use it to perform point cloud dense reconstruction

From VisualSfM Menu > File > Open+ Multiple Images

Menu > SfM > Pairwise Matching > Compute Missing Matches

Menu > SfM > Construct Sparse (Compute 3D Reconstruction)

Menu > SfM > Reconstruct Dense (Run Dense Reconstruction)

Select work space for MVS = File_Name_Dense_Reconstuction

Import data to MeshLab to convert point cloud to poly mesh

See Mister P. MeshLab Tutorials

From MeshLab Menu > File > Import Mesh = Dense_Reconstuction.ply

Select and remove points that are not part of the object of interest

Menu > Filter > Sampling > Mesh Element Subsampling = ~50%

Menu > Filter > Remeshing, simplification and reconstruction > Surface Reconstruction: Poisson:

• Octree Depth = ~11,

• Solver Divide = ~10

Menu > File > Save Project As:

• Poisson mesh = File_Name_Poisson_Mesh.obj

• Project = File_Name. mlp

Menu > Filter > Selection > Select Faces with edges longer than

• Edge Threshold = TBD

Delete selected faces

Menu > Filter > Remeshing, simplification and reconstruction > Quadratic Edge Collapse

• Decimation = ~20,000

Menu > File > Export Mesh = File_Name_Poisson_Mesh.obj

From Autodesk Maya Menu > Import = File_Name_Poisson_Mesh.obj

Modeling Menu > UV > Automatic

Menu > Export = File_Name.obj

From MeshLab Menu > Import Mesh = File_Name.obj

Menu > Filter > Texturing

• Transfer Vertex Attribute to Texture (between two meshes)

• Source Mesh = Dense_Reconstruction

• Target Mesh = File_Name.obj

Menu > File > Export Mesh = File_Name.obj

From Maya Menu > Import = File_Name.obj (with File_Name.mtl and File_Name_color.png

Hypershade > Create New Lambert

Map a File Node to the Color attribute

Assign File_Name_color.png

Assign Lambert Material to Mesh

View Menu > Shading > Hardware Texturing

Rotate X = 180

Menu > Export = File_Name.obj

See Modify OBJ above to continue to AR

​Build a Database

Domain Create a folder on you hard drive named Augmented_Reality

Download the Workshop Assets to your Augmented_Reality folder

Open Workshop_Assets/AR_Admin.rtf

Create an Account


Create a domain name: your_name.com (or .net etc.)

Document Your Work

Open the Workshop_Assets/AR_Admin.rtf file

In Text Edit(or) Enter the following


• Name: Your_Domain.ext

• Username: Your_Account_Username

• Password: Your_Account_Password

• PIN: Your_Account_PIN

User Manage My Domains

Manage Hosting WEB HOSTING > Manage

NEW C Panel > Set Up Enter the following in AR_Admin.rtf file

• Username: Your_User_Username

• Password: Your_User_Password


From cPanel > MySQL @ Database Wizard

Add New User Add user to database



MANAGE cPannel > phpMyAdmin

Enter the following in AR_Admin.rtf file

Database: Your_Database_Name

Username: Your_Database_Username

Password: Your_Database_Password

Project PHP

From Workshop_Assets/FTP_to_Your_Web_Server

Rename FTP_to_Your_Web_Server to Your_Project_Name


Open Workshop_Assets/FTP_to_Your_Web_Server/Layar/config.inc.php

In a software development environment or a text editor

Edit the credentials and save the file

• define(‘DBHOST’, ‘localhost’);

• define(‘DBDATA’, ‘database_name‘);

• define(‘DBUSER’, ‘database_username‘);

• define(‘DBPASS’, ‘database_password‘);

Enter the following in AR_Admin.rtf file

• define(‘DBHOST’, ‘localhost’);

• define(‘DBDATA’, ‘database_name‘);

• define(‘DBUSER’, ‘database_username‘);

• define(‘DBPASS’, ‘database_password‘);

Configure Web

Service Right-Click the Your_Project_Name directory > Compress Your_Project_Name

In File Manager Upload the Your_Project_Name.zip to public_html

Right click Your_Project_Name.zip in File Manager and choose > Extract

Delete Your_Project_Name.zip

Enter Your_Domain.com/Your_Project/Layar/Your_Project_Title.php

In a web browser You should get the following message: Message: layer Name parameter is not passed in GetPOI request. Fatal error: Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object in /Your_Domain.com/Your_Project/Layar/Your_Project_Title.php on line 200

This is expected and the desired result

Enter the following in AR_Admin.rtf file

• API URL: Your_API Endpoint URL (See Create and Configure a GeoLayar below)

Add Tables to Database

cPanel > phpMyAdmin

Open Workshop_Assets/Layar_Tables_sqlQuery.sql in text editor

(Right-Click > Open > Trust)

Select > All

Edit > Copy

In phpMyAdmin select your_database_name

Select SQL Tab

Edit > Paste > Go

Modify Table Fields Icon


In cPannel File Manager upload *Workshop_Icon_64.png to Your_Domain.com/Your_Project/Assets/

In phpMyAdmin

Your_Database Icon Table > Sidebar > Icon > Edit (pencil)

• id = 1

• url = a href=”Your_Domain.com/Your_Project/Assets/*Workshop_Icon_64.png”

• type = 1


*Replace this image with your own PNG file


See Create and Configure a GeoLayar

Layar Table > Browse Tab > Edit (pencil)

• layer = yourlayarname (Established in Create and Configure a GeoLayar)

• refreshInterval = 300refresh

• Distance = 100full

• Refresh = 1show

• Message = √

• id = 1biwStyle = classic


LayarAction Table > Browse Tab > Edit (pencil)

No change

In Photoshop Modify Simple_Facing_Plane_512.png from Workshop_Assets/ResourcesSave as Your_Project_512px.png

In cPannel File Manager

Upload Your_Project_512px.png Your_Domain.com/Your_Project/Assets/

In phpMyAdmin Browse Tab > id1 > Edit (pencil)

• id = 1contentType = image/vnd.layar.generic

• url = Your_Domain.com/Your_Project/Assets/Your_Project_512px.png

• reducedURL = √size = 100.00000


In cPannel File Manager Upload *Simple_Facing_Plane.l3d Your_Domain.com/Your_Project/Assets/

In phpMyAdmin Browse Tab > id2 > Edit (pencil)

• id = 2contentType = model/vnd.layar.l3d

• url = Your_Domain.com/Your_Project/Assets/Simple_Facing_Plane.l3d

• reducedURL = √

• size = 100.00000


* We will replace this model with your modification of the Simple_Facing_Plane.l3d file, see Project Production

In Photoshop Modify Simple_Facing_Icon_128.png from Workshop_Assets

Save as Your_Project_Icon_128.png

In cPannel File Manager Upload Your_Project_Icon_128.png Your_Domain.com/Your_Project/Assets/

In Google Maps Find Location (latitude, longitude)

Right-Click on location and choose ‘What’s here?’ to determine GPS coordinates

In phpMyAdmin POI Table > Insert Tab

• id = Your_Object

• footnote = Your Name

• title = Your_Project_Title

• lat = Your Location latitude

• lon =Your Location longitude

• imageURL = your_domain.com/yourprojectname/Assets/Your_Project_Icon_128.png

• description = Short description (3 or 4 words max)

• biwStyle = classicalt = √

• doNotIndex = 0show

• SmallBiw = 0show

• BiwOnClick = 1poi

• Type = geo

• iconID = 1object

• ID = 2

• transformID = 1

• layerID = 1


Transform Table > Browse Tab > Edit (pencil)

• id = 1

• rel = 1 (always face user)

• angle = 0

• rotate_x = 0

• rotate_y = 0

• rotate_z = 1

• translate_x = 0

• translate_y = 0

• translate_z = 1.5

• scale = 2.0


Transform Table > Browse Tab > Edit (pencil)

• id = 2

• rel = 1 (always face user)

• angle = 0

• rotate_x = 0

• rotate_y = 0

• rotate_z = 1

• translate_x = 0

• translate_y = 0

• translate_z = 0.0

• scale = 1


Create and Configure a GeoLayar

Set Up a Layar Developer Account

Review Steps to create a layer

Create an Account

Become a Layar Developer

Login to Layar Developer Section

Create a Layar
In Layar Developer Section click ‘Create a new layer!’

• Title = Your Project Title (20 characters max with spaces)

• √ Geo Layer


Icon = *Workshop_Assets/Resources/Workshop_Icon_128.png

* Replace this image with your own .PNG file, maintain pixel dimentions and naming conventions, such as Your_Project_Title_Icon_128.png

In Layar section of Workshop_Assets/AR_Admin.rtf, update

• Layer Title

• Layer Name


Replace API URL with API URL from Layar section of Workshop_Assets/AR_Admin.rtf (established in Build a Database)




• TAGS = your name, project name, exhibition title, location

• PUBLISHER = Your Name

• Short description (60 characters max)

• Long description


ICON = *Workshop_Assets/Resources/Icon_120.png

* Replace this image with your own .PNG files, maintain pixel dimentions and naming conventions, such as Icon_120.png

Design BIW look and feel


Test Layar:
For details see: Test a layer Layar Developer Section

My layars > yourlayarname Test

• Enter geolocation:

• Save location = Your_Location

• Load POIs

Install Layar to Mobile Device

Install the free Layar Augmented Reality Browser on your tablet or phone and login Layar > Menu > Setting > Account

• Username: Your_Layar_Account_Username

• Password: Your_Layar_Password

Ignore Scan (See Layar Vision for more on Layar Vision)

Select GeoLayar >

Test If necessary, test from remote location using Fixed Location Layar > Setting > OptionsUse fixed location: √

• Latitude: Your_POI_Latitude

• Longitude: Your_POI_Longitude