14 Face Globe Knot

The 14 face globe knot is similar in appearance to the double monkey fist knot. . It is easier to tie
Top left is a cat toy. I used 6' of cotton cord using a 1" diameter "jingle" bell core. Three times around. Enough cord left over to tie loop.
Top right is a Fob/pull/luggage ID. I used 6' of paracord. 1" diameter wooden ball core. Three times around. After tightening the knot I pulled the slack back until I reached the middle of the three plies. I tied the overhand knot to lame the loop and re-tightened the knot. Had about 9" of cord left over.
Bottom knot zipper pull/Christmas ornament used a marble for the core. Three times around. Enough cord left over to tie the loop.

Take the WE (Working End) in a loop to the left and back to the right under the SE (Standing End).

Bring WE up over two and back down to the left.

Bring WE to the right over two and then under, over, under

Bring WE to the left over SE.

Bring WE up under, over, under, over and back down on the left.

The knot is complete. Bring the WE next to the SE and add as many extra plies as desired.
For those of you not familiar with the tightening process I have published a separate instructable that covers that process. The title of the instructable is "14 face globe knot part 2"