1.3 Inches RetroPie Zero

This instructables show how to use a 1.3" Retina grade IPS LCD HAT to make a tiny RetroPie Zero.

RPi Zero
Both Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi Zero W is ok. WiFi version can make subsequent setup easier but in contrast it may draining more power continuously, i.e. shorter battery life.
Waveshare released 2 LCD HAT for RPi Zero, both have a tiny square LCD. The newer version have a 240 x 240 1.3" IPS LCD. It is 261 PPI and within the apple defined retina display range (218 - 458 PPI). This resolution is capable to emulate many retro game console in the CRT TV age, e.g. NES at 256 x 240 resolution, we can cut 8 pixels from both left and right overscan area and make it become 240 x 240.
Pin Header
To closely fit for the Waveshare 1.3" LCD HAT, it require a 8 mm tall 2 x 20 pins header. But I cannot buy one with 8 mm tall, so I will modify from a 12 mm tall pin header.
LiPo Battery
The interior size between RPi and LCD HAT can fit for a 5 mm x 23 mm x 45 mm battery, any LiPo battery with protection circuit that within this dimension should be ok.
Tiny LiPo Charge Board
I have some 10 mm x 10 mm tiny 5 V LiPo charge board in hand. It is small enough for this project, but the limitation is it only can charge the battery up to 50 mA current. A 400 mAh battery require over 8 hours for fully charged.
Power Switch
A tiny power switch.
Wrist Strap
Since this Game pad is so tiny and easy to slip from hand, it is recommended wearing a wrist strap while playing it.
The 3D printed case require four 14 mm M2.5 flat-head screws for assembly.
3D Print Case

3D print the case model you can find in Thingiverse:
For ease of illustration, I print each part in different colors:
- Layer123.stl - Carbon Black
- Layer4.stl - Translucent Yellow
- Layer5.stl - Translucent Orange
- Layer678.stl - Translucent Red
- ButtonHead.stl - Translucent Red, Translucent Blue and Translucent Green
- CrossButtonHead.stl - Gundam Red
Direct Battery Power

This tiny gamepad has no room to fit in a step up circuit board, is it possible a LiPo battery direct power the RPi Zero (W) without step up?
There are some unofficial discussion about is it require full 5 V power supply for RPi Zero (W).
According to the RPi Zero reduced schematics, there are only 2 pins direct connected to 5 V, it is USB plug and PAM2306 regulator. All other parts powered by regulated 3.3 V and 1.8 V.
Assume we do not use any external USB device while powered by battery, the key factor is the regulator.
According to PAM2306 datasheet, there are still keep over 90% efficient for 3.3 V output when the input voltage dropped to 3.5 V.
RPi Zero average draw around 100 - 200 mA and the LiPo is around mAh, the discharge rate is around 0.5 C. It can still utilise 90% of LiPo capacity before drop below 3.5 V.
According to my simply test, the battery can last over 90 minutes while WiFi turned on. It should last longer if using RPi Zero.
Pin Header Patch

Waveshare LCD HAT use low profile female pin header, it can make the product more slim. But we need a corresponding low profile male pin header at RPi Zero to make it. The male pin header should be 8 mm tall, but I cannot find on the web. So patch it from a 12 mm male pin header.
It require some patient to trim 40 pins the same length.
Soldering Work

Solder all pin headers with RPi Zero.
Here are the connection summary of power circuit:
Waveshare Pin 2 -> Charge Board +vin, Power Switch Pin 1 Waveshare Pin 6 -> Charge Board -vin Charge Board -vout -> LiPo -ve LiPo +ve -> Power Switch Pin 2 Charge Board +vout -> Power Switch Pin 3
- When Power Switch closed pin 1 and 2, it is Battery Powered Mode
- When Power Switch closed pin 2 and 3, it is Battery Charging Mode / Power Off
Waveshare LCD HAT pin header is at the bottom, so the pin arrangement is upside down
Assembly Layer 4

- Put Layer 4 under LCD HAT
- Fit the power switch in Layer 4
- Put charge board and battery inside Layer 4 frame
Assembly Layer 5

Put Layer 5 over Layer 4
Plug in RPi Zero

Assembly Layer 678

Put Layer 678 over RPi Zero.
Put Screw Into Screw Hole

Put Buttons Head on LCD HAT

Assembly Layer 123

Put Layer 123 on the LCD HAT.
Screw Up the Screws

Assembly Cross Button Head

Put the cross button head into the cross button.
Download RetroPie Image

Download RetroPie image here:
Select "Raspberry Pi 0/1" option to download the image for Raspberry Pi Zero
Download Source
2 further source code required for the Breadboard RetroPie:
Simple click "Clone or download" button and then "Download ZIP" from both source web page.
Prepare ROM Files
For the non license free game, I think you should only use the ROM that you have the original game.
Or you may find some license free games here:
Flash the RetroPie Image
Copy Files
Copy "mk_arcade_joystick_rpi-master.zip", "rpi-fbcp-master.zip" to the RetroPie micro SD just created.
Configure Micro SD
We need further config after RetroPie boot, before that, we need to enable DWC2 USB controller to make network connection between computer and Pi Zero.
Edit the config.txt in micro SD, append the follow line at the tail:
Edit the codlin.txt in micro SD, insert "modules-load=dwc2,g_ether" after "rootwait" keyword. The result should be something like that:
dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 root=PARTUUID=14a75fe9-02 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline fsck.repair=yes rootwait modules-load=dwc2,g_ether quiet loglevel=3 consoleblank=0 plymouth.enable=0 quiet init=/usr/lib/raspi-config/init_resize.sh
Create a blank file called "ssh" in the micro SD to enable openssh server, e.g. in my Mac:
touch /Volumes/boot/ssh
USB Connect

- Insert the micro SD to Pi Zero
- Set the power switch to Battery Charge Mode
- Connect the Pi Zero 2nd USB socket (labelled "USB") to the computer.
Wait around a minute, you should find a new network adaptor in your computer. Type the follow command connect to the Pi Zero:
ssh pi@retropie.local
Default password is "raspberry", you should change it ASAP by "passwd" command
Configure LCD
Append to "/etc/modules"
spi-bcm2835 flexfb fbtft_device
create the "/etc/modprobe.d/fbtft.conf"
options flexfb setaddrwin=0 width=240 height=240 init=-1,0x11,-2,120,-1,0x36,0x70,-1,0x3A,0x05,-1,0xB2,0x0C,0x0C,0x00,0x33,0x33,-1,0xB7,0x35,-1,0xBB,0x1A,-1,0xC0,0x2C,-1,0xC2,0x01,-1,0xC3,0x0B,-1,0xC4,0x20,-1,0xC6,0x0F,-1,0xD0,0xA4,0xA1,-1,0x21,-1,0xE0,0x00,0x19,0x1E,0x0A,0x09,0x15,0x3D,0x44,0x51,0x12,0x03,0x00,0x3F,0x3F,-1,0xE1,0x00,0x18,0x1E,0x0A,0x09,0x25,0x3F,0x43,0x52,0x33,0x03,0x00,0x3F,0x3F,-1,0x29,-3 options fbtft_device name=flexfb gpios=reset:27,dc:25,cs:8,led:24 speed=125000000 bgr=1 fps=60 custom=1 height=240 width=240
Enable Fbcp
Extract source files:
unzip /boot/rpi-fbcp-master.zip
Compile and install:
cd rpi-fbcp-master/ mkdir build cd build cmake .. make sudo install fbcp /usr/local/bin/fbcp cd ../..
Create new file "/etc/init.d/fbcp":
#! /bin/sh<br>### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: fbcp # Required-Start: kmod # Required-Stop: kmod # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Short-Description: # Description: ### END INIT INFO case "$1" in start) /usr/local/bin/fbcp & ;;</p><p> stop|restart|reload|force-reload) killall fbcp exit 0 ;;</p><p> *) log_success_msg "Usage: $0 start" exit 1 esac
Make the file executable:
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/fbcp
Set it init at startup:
sudo update-rc.d fbcp defaults
Append the follow line in "/boot/config.txt" at the tail:
disable_overscan=1 hdmi_force_hotplug=1 hdmi_group=2 hdmi_mode=87 hdmi_cvt=240 240 60 1 0 0 0 dtparam=spi=on
Configure Joystick
Extract source files:
unzip /boot/mk_arcade_joystick_rpi-master.zip
Edit buttons definition:
cd mk_arcade_joystick_rpi-master/ vi mk_arcade_joystick_rpi.c
Find the "static const int mk_arcade_gpio_maps[]" row and update to HAT button mapping:
static const int mk_arcade_gpio_maps[] = {6,19,5,26,13,21,16,20,0,0,0,0};
Compile and install module:
sudo mkdir /usr/src/mk_arcade_joystick_rpi-0.1.5/ sudo cp -a * /usr/src/mk_arcade_joystick_rpi-0.1.5/ export MKVERSION=0.1.5 sudo -E dkms build -m mk_arcade_joystick_rpi -v 0.1.5 sudo -E dkms install -m mk_arcade_joystick_rpi -v 0.1.5
Test the buttons:
sudo modprobe mk_arcade_joystick_rpi map=1 jstest /dev/input/js0
Append to "/etc/modules":
create the "/etc/modprobe.d/joystick.conf":
options mk_arcade_joystick_rpi map=1
Copy ROM Files
Copy ROM files from "/boot" folder to "~/RetroPie/roms/$CONSOLE" folder

sudo raspi-config
- WiFi: 2 Network Options -> N2 Wi-fi -> fill your WiFi details
- Not wait network: 3 Boot Options -> B2 Wait for Network at Boot -> No -> OK
- Timezone: 4 Localisation Options -> I2 Change Timezone -> select your timezone
- Disable serial port: 5 Interfacing Options -> P6 Serial -> No -> No -> OK
RetroPie Setup

sudo ~/RetroPie-Setup/retropie_setup.sh
Fine tune for 1.3" LCD: C Configuration / Tools -> 805 configedit -> 1 -> 0 -> 2 Render Resolution -> O Video output resolution -> OK -> Cancel -> Cancel -> Cancel
Change theme to fit tiny screen (require WiFi connected): 812 esthemes -> 14 Pixel-tft -> OK -> 1 carbon -> 2 Uninstall
Native Resolution
The LCD HAT have 3 buttons and 1 extra push button in the cross button, it can map to the retro game console that only have 4 buttons (select, start, A and B). The highest resolution for this type of game console should be NES, it have 256 x 240 resolution. It can just fit for the 240 x 240 LCD display if simply crop the horizontal overscan area.
If you only play NES game only like me, you can apply the follow configuration to gain native resolution display.
Append "/opt/retropie/configs/nes/retroarch.cfg":
video_fullscreen_x = "0" video_fullscreen_y = "0" video_scale_integer = true
Append "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options.cfg":
quicknes_use_overscan_h = "disabled"
Controller Configuration

Joypad settings for EmulationStation:
vi /opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/es_input.cfg
Input text:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <inputList> <inputAction type="onfinish"> <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/emulationstation/scripts/inputconfiguration.sh</command> </inputAction> <inputConfig type="joystick" deviceName="GPIO Controller 1" deviceGUID="15000000010000000100000000010000"> <input name="start" type="button" id="11" value="1"/> <input name="down" type="axis" id="1" value="1"/> <input name="right" type="axis" id="0" value="1"/> <input name="select" type="button" id="10" value="1"/> <input name="left" type="axis" id="0" value="-1"/> <input name="up" type="axis" id="1" value="-1"/> <input name="a" type="button" id="0" value="1"/> <input name="b" type="button" id="1" value="1"/> </inputConfig> </inputList>
Joypad settings for Retroarch:
vi /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch/autoconfig/GPIO\ Controller\ 1.cfg
Input text:
input_device = "GPIO Controller 1" input_driver = "udev" input_start_btn = "11" input_exit_emulator_btn = "11" input_down_axis = "+1" input_right_axis = "+0" input_state_slot_increase_axis = "+0" input_select_btn = "10" input_left_axis = "-0" input_state_slot_decrease_axis = "-0" input_up_axis = "-1" input_a_btn = "0" input_b_btn = "1" input_reset_btn = "1" input_enable_hotkey_btn = "10"
Speed Up Boot Time
sudo systemctl disable asplashscreen sudo systemctl disable dphys-swapfile sudo systemctl disable hciuart sudo systemctl disable keyboard-setup sudo systemctl disable nmbd sudo systemctl disable raspi-config sudo systemctl disable smbd sudo systemctl disable nfs-config
Optional Tuning
Fine tune "/boot/cmdline.txt":
- Disable USB Ethernet Gadget
- no logo
- fastboot
- quiet
dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 root=PARTUUID=14a75fe9-02 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline fsck.repair=yes rootwait loglevel=3 consoleblank=0 plymouth.enable=0 logo.nologo fastboot quiet
Boot RetroPie
- Turn off the RetroPie:
sudo halt
- Unplug the USB cable
- Set the power switch to Battery Powered Mode
- Wait around half minute to boot up
- Follow the screen instruction to config the game button
- Select the console and game you have uploaded
Emulation Station Power Option
Press start button (push down the cross button) to enter the Emulation Station configuration screen.
Tie Wrist Strap


It's time to show off what you have made and play with it.
Gallery: Color Mix & Match