10x10 RGB Led Matrix
I've build a 10x10 RGB Led Matrix Simulator on circuits.io because I've allready build a 10x10 RGB Matrix in real life. This one is for testing code and not damaging anything on the real one. So basically this Matrix works with 5 Shift register to control 100(300) leds by only 3 pins.
Here the link:
How the Circuit Is Build Up
So we've a 9V power supply and a 5V regulator. The 9V are going inro the matrix itself. 5V is needed to supply the logic side with energy. The arduino & shift registers are connected to 5V.
How the Circuit Is Build Up
The arduino connects with 3(5) pins to the logic. Data, Latch, Clock are nessacary and I've added OE and clear.
How the Circuit Is Build Up
The logic is build a save way with BJT's before every connection so the shift registers wont get damaged.
Finished LED Matrix
So here are some photos of the finished real life version of the Matrix. It works fine for now. Only thing I needed to change was the controller. The 16MHz arduino is a bit slow to control that amount of leds. I've bought a Teensy 3.6 with 180MHz and now everything works fine.
Finished Code
After coding some huge performance improvements I ended up with this code here for the withe wave which you can see in step 4:
its still not the best but it works fine.