$100 Zen Garden CNC Table Powered by Arduino
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$100 Zen Garden CNC Table Powered by Arduino

Hi all, here are some instructions to make a zen CNC plotter. I have seen them all around the internet but I see that they are very difficult and expensive to make. So, I wanted to make a table that was cheap and easy! For this project, I used an Arduino and two small stepper motors (from an Arduino kit) and homemade gantry system. So here it is!
Buying the Materials
- Linear rail system $22.95 X2
- Stepper motor $13.99
- Ardunio $11.86
- Timing belt and ends $13.99
- Magnets $9.49
- Sand (art sand works best) you can get it at most craft stores.
- 4'/8' sheet plywood
- Stain / Paint
- Ball Baring
That's it!
Arduino Wiring and Settup

- First, I always like to set up a dry run for the Arduino since its the backbone of this project.
- I followed this link to wire the motors and create the code.
- Here is the code (below)
- Wiring should look like the picture
- Joystick should be plugged into + - and A0 and A1.
Creating a Gantry System

- I have attached the files to cut on a laser cutter
- I highly suggest to laser cut or CNC cut this. The slightest bit off and the gantry system will not slide smoothly.
- I ended up screwing the whole gantry system to plywood for ease of assembly. But in the file are some ends for cutting.
- I attached the timing belt to the gantry system blocks using wire and hot glue.
- The middle block is where the magnet will be attached.
Build the Table

- This is really up to you how you want to build this.
- I am planning, later on, to make one of the panels into a door for a drawer for quick maintenance. But for now, I'm attaching the gantry system by 2 by 3s across as seen in the picture.
- Cut list for my table is the following
- 4' by 8' plywood
- Legs
- 4 - 3" by (the total height you desire)
- 4 - 2.5" by (the total height you desire)
- After cutting I use a taper jig for aesthetic
- Glue these together on right angle
- Legs
- Walls
- 2 - 12" by (the total length of the table you want - 1")
- 2 - 12 by (the total length of the table you want - 2")
- I glued and clamped these to the legs until I made a box.
- Tabletop
- 4 - 5" by (the total length of the table + (the amount you want the lip to overhang *2))
- Measure the thickness of the glass/acrylic and cut that depth as a groove on the end of the boards. This is to make a groove for the glass. (see picture)
- Cut on a 45-degree angle
- I put this together by biscuit joints.
- 4 - 5" by (the total length of the table + (the amount you want the lip to overhang *2))
- 1/8 ply
- Inside length of the table.
- Paint!
Put It All Together!

- I taped around the edges of the plywood so the sand does not seep through.
- I used command strips to hold the Arduino to the table
- I screwed the joystick to the bottom of the lid.